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Vaccine Passport Developer Says Microchipping Humans is Happening ‘Whether You Like It or Not’

Reclaim the Net | Transhumanist tech firm plans is ‘transform healthcare on a global scale.’

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘America: Freedom to Fascism’ (2006)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Exposing the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913.

TSA: US Residents from 9 States Will Need Passports for Domestic Flights

21WIRE + Forbes | It’s just the next phase in the further militarization of US society.

Why US and Swedish Companies Are Pushing Microchip Implants on Employees

Patrick Henningsen | Welcome to the brave new world of conformity: become a member of the New Digital Collective.

FUTURE TRENDS: 5 Ways Technology Will Change Business in 2017

Jeffrey Nelson | The impact of technology on business will likely be much greater than anyone expects.

THOUGHT POLICE: US Border Control Wants to Study Your Facebook, Twitter Accounts

Patrick Henningsen | So who are these arbiters of political thought and social discourse?

Millimeter Microwaves: ‘Anti-Terror’ Artificial Intelligence Scanning in Public

Pippa King | To the elites and corporate oligarchs, we are nothing more than human guinea pigs.

IT’S REAL: The War on Cash Enters Final Phase

Dr. Joe Salerno | Breaking down the full extent of how banksters and their gov’t footmen are trying to eliminate cash altogether.

Surveillance Selfie: Drones, Phones and The Coming Big Data Beast

21WIRE + The Analyst Report | Ushering in the surveillance grid under the auspices of ‘smart’ technologies.

BEAST TECH: DARPA and Google’s Transhumanist Takeover

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | DARPA and Google have transhumanist designs on our future.

Want Healthy Cows? Feed Them Magnets

Gizmodo | Bizarre as the idea of a permanent stomach magnet may be, it’s very necessary.

Already Underway: Smart A.I. Running Our Police and Cities

Pippa King | Could the machine ultimately analyse whether we are guilty, or innocent?

Episode #72 – SUNDAY WIRE: ‘Land of the Blind’ with guests Steven Kelley and Pippa King

SUNDAY WIRE | Most people are stuck in a world of illusion – it’s time to escape it….

NeoFace: How Anonymous Are We To Big Brother Police Agencies?

Pippa King | George Orwell’s 1984 has just jumped from futurist science fiction – to present day fact.

Episode #24 – SUNDAY WIRE SHOW: ‘New Globalist Technocracy’ with guests Pippa King and Basil Valentine

SUNDAY WIRE SHOW | Host Patrick Henningsen covers the Ukraine’s latest, and exposes the implementation of RFID and other tracking systems for children in the UK and US.

Tracking and Charging: Trans-Texas Corridor-NAFTA Superhighway Control Grid Underway

21WIRE + Truthstream Media | Ubiquitous RFID technology is being used as the anchor for the globalists, new world order and Agenda 21 system being rolled out in Texas.


21WIRE + Mail Online | ‘People are being scrutinised and having their lives tracked, and are not even aware of it.’

(VIDEO) DARPA and Google: ‘Wearing electronic tattoos for is cool’

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Humanity must address the legions of degenerate individuals working for Google and DARPA.

Stop Kidding Yourself: Cell Phones Cause Child Brain Tissue Damage

21WIRE + RT | Insurers have stopped covering for cell phone use, calling it the next ‘casualty catastrophe’ after tobacco and asbestos.

NYPD employed to remind iPhone users to enter biometric fingerprints, which can be hacked

21WIRE + Tech Dirt | Death to the smart phone, long live the idiot-proof stupid phone.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue