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Browse this curated archive of CIA related articles, stories, and films, detailing the various clandestine operations and schemes carried out by corporate America's own private secret intelligence and international criminal racketeering arm... 

Scott Ritter Investigation: ‘Agent Zelensky’ – Part 2

Scott Ritter Investigation | Continuing the exposé on the creation of Zelensky, created by British and US intelligence to lay the groundwork war and the theft of Ukraine’s resources.

INTERVIEW: Sulaiman Ahmed – ‘The Truth About The Tate Brothers Case’

TNT Radio | A deeper look into the incredible story of brothers Andrew and Tristan Tate, and the powerful political forces keeping them on ice. 

Scott Ritter Investigation: ‘Agent Zelensky’ – Part 1

Scott Ritter Investigation | A stunning exposé of the clandestine powers propping up the mercurial former comedian, and NATO’s devastating proxy war in Ukraine.

SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Operation Ukraine: Terror on Demand’ (2023)

SUNDAY SCREENING | Our weekly documentary film curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Snowden: Today’s Surveillance Technology Makes 2013 Look Like ‘Child’s Play’

21WIRE | ‘We trusted the government and Big Tech not to screw us….but they did.’

INTERVIEW: Name Redacted – ‘CIA, FBI, DHS Still Censoring at Facebook, Google & YouTube’

TNT Radio |  Understanding the federal government’s infiltration of Big Tech social media platforms to control global speech.

Henningsen: NATO’s Failing ‘NAFO’ Troll Army on Social Media

TNT Radio | NATO’s troll army on social media tries in vain to steer the conversation on Ukraine.

Snowden Warns New Commercial Surveillance Tech Makes 2013 Look Like ‘Child’s Play’

21WIRE | The world’s most famous whistleblower warns that the advent of commercially available surveillance products is creating a global panopticon.

Epstein Pal Jes Staley Throws Jamie Dimon Under the Bus, Setting Stage for Legal Battle

Zero Hedge | A potentially massive fallout for financial elites resulting from Jeffrey Epstein’s sex entrapment ring.

REVEALED: How America’s CIA Merged With Nazi Intelligence

21WIRE | A long-hidden trove of once-classified CIA documents confirmed one of the worst-kept secrets of the cold war.

Former US National Security Adviser: ‘FBI, CIA and DOJ Will Rig 2024 Election’

21WIRE | Deep state insiders seem to think the results are already preordained.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine – Kremlin Drone Strike + Impeachment of Joe Biden

TNT Radio | Putin’s assassination attempt in the Kremlin may have just heightened the state of nuclear alert the world.

INTERVIEW: Jay Dyer – Religion and Statecraft: ‘CIA Holy Wars’

SUNDAY WIRE | The CIA’s ‘black op missionaries’ and serving the golden billion.

INTERVIEW: Freddie Ponton: ‘Nord Stream Attack Was CIA-NATO Operation’

21WIRE | Showing a clear CIA-led covert military operation which has been covered up by western governments and MSM.

PART 2 – Smoking Guns: Nord Stream Sabotage ‘Secret Teams’ Revealed

Freddie Ponton | An evidence-based analysis of the CIA-backed covered operation to destroy the Nordstream pipelines.

McKinsey in France: The ‘Pro-Bono Scandal’ is Only the Beginning

Freddie Ponton | We can see a real globalist spider’s web coming into view.

Henningsen: ‘What About These New 9/11 Revelations?’

SUNDAY WIRE | 9/11 court-filed documents reveal possible CIA and FBI involvement in advance of the main event.

Joe Biden’s ‘Russian Disinfo’ Election Hoax: MSM News Blackout in Effect

Racket News | ‘We’re experiencing real-time Sovietization.’

INTERVIEW: Matthew Lee – SDNY Court Update: ‘Vault 7 Joshua Schulte + UNSG Goes Full Slava Ukraini’

TNT Radio | The strange scene of the UN Secretary General celebrating Ukrainian war heroes.

UKC News: 9/11 Revelations of CIA Involvement, Hunter Biden Laptop Cover-up Revealed

UKC News | Hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen, and Vanessa Beeley with the end of week news round-up. 

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue