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Search Results for: saudi arabia

BREAKING: Russian Su-24 Fighter Bomber Shot Down By Turkey On Syrian Border

21WIRE | This is a potentially dangerous situation – one which NATO appears to be trying to ignite an international incident.

Magic Passports Redux: Syrian Passport Allegedly Discovered on Suicide Bomber

21WIRE | An incriminating passport was allegedly found on the streets – just like on 9/11.

No Sweets, Just Drones: Happy Halloween from 21WIRE

Washington’s Crypt | This Halloween, we’re all out of candy, instead let’s dust-off some of the scariest bureaucratic monsters and psychopathic NWO operators…

SHADOW PLAY: The ISIS ‘Ramadan Attacks’ Smell of a Western-Born PSYOP

Shawn Helton | As the US election cycle heats up over the next year, the psychological warfare regularly used to deceive the public will also increase.

MOCKINGBIRD MEDIA: ISIS ‘Nuclear Threat’ Echoed by ‘Hostage’ John Cantlie

21st Century Wire | More propaganda coming from ISIS media persona John Cantlie.

STAGECRAFT: ISIS Video ‘Execution’ of Ethiopians in Libya Appears Fake

Shawn Helton + Daily Mail | More evidence of theatrical ‘staging’ during the alleged ISIS video executions in Libya.

The Holy Business: End-Times Buffoonery in a Modern World

Daniel Spaulding | Newsflash: the rapture has already happened.

FULL-SPECTRUM CYNICISM: Yemen and the Art of International Subterfuge

Daniel Spaulding | Can you feel the freedom yet?

The Wonderful Life of Tony Blair: Part Two

21WIRE + Daily Mail | Just when we thought we’d heard it all, there he goes again.

MEDIA STUNT: New Video Shows British Hostage Cantlie Pushing ‘ISIS Propaganda’

21WIRE + RT | New ISIS video displays another kind of propaganda.

New World Order Map: Plan to Re-arrange the Planet Post-WWII is Still Alive

Global Research | It was the British imperialist Cecil Rhodes who first proposed a ‘federal’ world government – imposed by the US and the British Empire.

BLIND LEADING THE BLIND: ‘False Flag Energy’ and Syrian Regime Change

Andrew McKillop | The need for any kind of energy transported across Syria’s frontiers – either oil or gas – is zero in Europe.


Patrick Henningsen | Truth is almost always stranger than fiction…

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