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Search Results for: saudi arabia

Saudi War of Aggression on Yemen: US Clocks up $33 Billion Arms Sales in Eleven Months

21WIRE + Global Research | Yemen: As US arms sales soar to a staggering $ 33bn in 11 months, Yemen’s death toll climbs to over 8000, one third are children.

One Year of Bloodshed in Yemen: US and UK are Accomplices in Saudi Coalition War Crimes

Vanessa Beeley | One Year of War on Yemen. Saudi Coalition war crimes go unpunished by their US, UN and UK accomplices.

Suspicious Weapon Shipment from Turkey to Lebanon SEIZED as Saudis Call Hezbollah ‘Terrorists’

21WIRE | Was a coup d’état just inadvertently avoided in Lebanon thanks to Greek port authorities?

Why Washington DC Turns Its Back on Saudi Brutality – and Blames Everything on Iran

WIRE BUZZ | Al-Nimr’s crime was calling for an end to the vicious institutional discrimination of Shi’ites, and he paid the ultimate price.

Saudi, Iran, Sunni, Shia: This Just Became The Most Important Map In Geopolitics

Tyler Durden | The region could have done without the events that unfolded over the weekend.

Saudi Prince Arrested in LA on Sex Crime Charges

21WIRE | Now more women are coming forward with more claims of sex abuse.

Saudi Jurisprudence: Plans to Behead and CRUCIFY Teenage Protester Ignored by Obama, Cameron

21WIRE + ABC/CNN | The disgusting greed and hypocrisy of the US and Britain is laid bare in this tragic story.

The Saudi Annihilation of Yemen: The War The West Ignored

21WIRE + CrossTalk | When an event does not fit the West’s narrative, it is entirely ignored.

HEBDO TO HOUTHIS: Saudi Strikes in Yemen Open the Door to More Terror

Shawn Helton | As the proxy war in Yemen escalates – so will the terror.

Did Saudi Pressure Cause New York Times to Change Its ‘Negative’ Headline?

21WIRE | Are US media outlets changing headlines or stories under pressure from foreign governments?

DOUBLE-DEALING: Saudi Flip-Flops on Ceasefire as Yemen Continues to Collapse

21WIRE + RT | After declaring an end to a month-long unprovoked bombardment in Yemen – Saudi Arabia resumed a new round airstrikes.

SMOKE SCREEN: Does New FBI 9/11 ‘Saudi’ Report Deflect From Clandestine Realities?

21WIRE + Global Research | Nothing happens by accident in US politics, and this latest ‘release’ is no exception.

Saudi Bombing Campaign Massacres Dozens of Yemeni School Children

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | Devastation: Saudi attacks have left over 2,265 housing units totally demolished.

Did US CENTCOM Feed Saudis Target Info to Bomb Russian Consulate in Yemen?

21WIRE + Stephen Lendman | In Yugoslavia, China’s Belgrade embassy was bombed ‘by mistake’ – and the same thing happened to Russia this week.

MEDIA BLACK-OUT: US Proxy War in Yemen Underway, Saudi Stooges Do Initial Dirty Work

21WIRE + Zero Hedge | Hidden by the US and western media – Yemen is by far the biggest story so far this year.

Saudis Send Violent Prison Criminals to Fill Ranks of ISIS Sand Pirates in Syria

21WIRE + NSNBC | Turkey’s, Saudi Arabia’s and NATO’s blatant violations of the Geneva Conventions are actually fueling the ISIS crisis.

Change? Four BEHEADED After A Week Under New Saudi King Salman

21WIRE + RT | Change could have been possible for Saudi Arabia, but this is any thing but a change in policy.

Butcher, Soldier, King: The Truth About ISIS, Chris Kyle and The Saudi King

Jay Dyer | What a quandary the average American patriot must be in here.

Poor Saudis: Iran Nuclear Peace Deal Hurts Cartel’s Plans for Over-priced Oil

Andrew McKillop | Hardly reassurring to know that the French are busy behind the scenes doing all they can to screw up an already perverted game of diplomatic twister.

Bandar Throws Toys Out of Pram: Announces Saudi May End Diplomatic Relations with US

21WIRE + Reuters | Whatever Saudi does, you can be sure it’s for a pot of money at the end of the sand storm.

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