Washington Post | As a general rule, the CIA does not publicly disclose details of our contracts, except this one.
USA News Archives
Missing: Obama’s Israeli Classmates Don’t Remember Him From Columbia
Haaretz | Where did the President disappear to during his “college years”? No one seems to know…
Does Aurora shooter James Holmes really have a Doppelgänger?
21st Century Wire | This story may be the epitome of a wild, nutty ‘conspiracy theory’, but beyond that, are we being told everything there is to know about the Aurora shooting?
Supermax Prisons: Views from Above
Creative Time Reviews | Recognizing prisons as a growth industry, financial magazines like Barron’s have urged investors to consider buying shares of Corrections Corporation of America (CCA).
Budweiser, Barbie, Monopoly – no longer American Made
RT | Barbie doll, the game of Monopoly, Budweiser beer and Levi’s jeans fall victim to outsourcing
The Chart That Proves That Mainstream Media Lies About US Unemployment
Economic Collapse | The media and the Federal government routinely lie to the public about unemployment figures – when will people wake up?
Her Name is Rachel Corrie
Eileen Fleming | Remembering a brave young girl from America who gave everything for freedom and justice.
Disclosure: Multiple Proofs That No Passenger Jet Ever Hit Pentagon on 9/11
21st Century Wire | If you’ve ever wondered what happened at the Pentagon on 9/11, then this video will answer all of your questions, including: ‘Where did the plane go?’.
US panel urges military to use nuclear strike as bid to ‘deter cyber attacks’
Press TV | Further proof that think tanks in Washington have lost their minds completely.
How the Israel Lobby is Actively Promoting a Coming War with Iran
Stephen Lendman | The insane pep rally known as AIPAC makes sure it keeps the war pressure on our ‘mentally challenged’ politicians in Washington DC.
Florida sinkhole: First images released of 60ft-deep crater that claimed Jeff Bush’s life after sucking his bedroom into the ground
The Independent| The sinkhole was revealed after demolition teams removed the remaining walls of the late Jeff Bush’s house, exposing the 60ft deep crater to the open air.
‘AIPAC is lobbying in America for war with Iran’
RT | Israel could become the first-ever nation to enjoy the official status of America’s ‘major strategic ally
Inside the first Goldman Sachs partners’ dinner in SIX YEARS as lavish parties return for bankers
Daily Mail | Goldman’s top 450 bankers and their partners were invited to attend a lavish gala diner in Manhattan
BOB WOODWARD: A ‘Very Senior’ White House Person Warned Me I’d ‘Regret’ What I’m Doing
BUSINESS INSIDER | Obama administration tries to silence its critics but some refuse to budge
New and Horrific Trend of CIA Bombing Suspects ‘Just in Case’ They are Guilty
Jason Liosatos | This madness has gone out of control.
Dr. Benjamin Carson Upstages Obama at National Prayer Breakfast
21WIRE + YouTube | John Hopkins U’s Dr Carson causes the President to squirm in his chair, as he schools Obama.