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President Obama Officially Declares Venezuela Threat to ‘US National Security’

TeleSur/Tony Seed | The war of words has now escalated beyond words.

Ancient ‘White City of the Monkey God’ Discovered in the Jungles of Honduras

21WIRE + National Geographic | This latest find validates long-standing rumors that it was the site of a storied “White City,” also referred to in legend as the “City of the Monkey God.”

Venezuela BANS ‘Terrorists’ Bush and Cheney

21WIRE + RT | This is quite the statement. Will further world leaders follow suit?

Venezuela Coup Timeline: Plotters Paid in US Dollars, Planned to Assassinate President and Install De Facto Regime

Global Research/TeleSur | Coup plotters planned to create chaos in the streets nationwide, and have pro-US operatives sweep into power under cover of civil unrest.

REVEALED: Both Britain and Canada Were Involved in Foiled Venezuelan Coup Plot

Stephen Lendman | Washington’s war on democracy – dirty hands manipulate violence and instability worldwide.

Venezuela: Troubled Waters Tainted By the Manipulation of Oil Prices

Dave Truman | Since the fall in oil prices, Venezuela has been forced to cut social spending and fend of a coup d’etat.

‘Yankees go home’: Venezuela expels US diplomats suspected of plotting sabotage

21WIRE + RT | Maduro has figured out what other nations already know: US Embassies are often nothing more than terrorist command centres.

Evo Morales: ‘You can’t combat terrorism with military spending or military force’

OpEd News | Taking further note of his imperialist neighbor to the north, Morales muses, “how does one fight terrorism?”

Both Venezuela and Nicaragua: ‘Our doors are open for Ed Snowden’

21WIRE + WP | President Maduro will shelter Snowden under the banner of “international humanitarian rights”.

Morales cuts US down to size: ‘We don’t need your Embassy in Bolivia’

21st Century Wire | Morales got a major bounce from US gaff, and while Rome burns, Obama plays drums in Africa.

TEAM AMERICA: Suspicion of smuggled Snowden grounds Bolivian presidential jet in Austria

21WIRE + RT | If there’s a global government in the works, then it will need barriers like borders and national laws to be broken down.

6 Latin American Leaders Who Criticised US Policies Contract Cancer Simultaneously

Before Its News | Would the CIA assassinate foreign heads of state who opposed Washington DC hegemony?

‘Chavez was killed by historical enemies of our homeland’: Extraordinary claims made by Venezuela’s vice-president as he kicks out two U.S. diplomats

Daily Mail | Venezuela’s vice president announced on Tuesday that two U.S. Embassy officials were expelled for allegedly spying on Venezuela’s military, as he accused the U.S. of infecting the country’s leader with cancer.


Andrew McKillop | While Venezuelan paper dollar assets can easily be frozen, this does not apply to metallic gold.

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