Mark Weisbot | Confirmed: Washington’s colonial arm lied to the public about elections and worked to cover-up the ensuing coup.
Facts Now Reveal How OAS Lied About Bolivian ‘Election Irregularities’
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Bolivia in Transition’ (2009)
SUNDAY SCREENING | Delving into the larger political transformation from a colonial and US-European-dominated client state, into an Indigenous-centric state.
INTERVIEW: President Evo Morales on the Real Situation in Bolivia
TeleSUR English | Morales explains the reality of the political situation and what needs to happen going forward to achieve a resolution.
Willing Accomplices: Western Media Support for CIA Coup in Bolivia
Stephen Lendman | CIA tradition endures, using its paid media gatekeepers to manage and propagate the official narrative – and suppress truth wherever they may appear.
VIVA EVO! Morales Overthrown, But Bolivian Socialism Will Endure
Andre Vltchek | Evo Morales brought dignity for all Bolivians, a social revolution which western powers cannot easily erase.
Ousted Bolivian President Morales Arrives in Mexico, Vows to Keep Fighting
21WIRE | Bolivian President forced to flee to Mexico for asylum after threats of violence to him, his family and members of his administration.
BOLIVIA COUP: Step By Step Guide to U.S. Regime Change Operation
21WIRE.TV | Co-hosts Patrick Henningsen and Mike Robinson offer a step-by-step guide to this latest regime change operation in South America.
US Plotting New Coup d’etat to Oust Bolivian President Evo Morales
Stephen Lendman | Various US plots using varying tactics, are now playing out against sovereign independent governments targeted for regime change.
Fear and Loathing in Bolivia: Western-backed Destabilization Operations Underway
Edu Montesanti | The unspoken truth is that there is an invisible ‘foreign hand” working in Bolivia – to weakened democracy.
ECUADOR: Protests Heat Up in Quito, Moreno Government Leaves Capital City
21WIRE | The US-backed Moreno, who recently sold out Julian Assange, has fled Ecuador’s capital.
Maduro Government Showed ‘Willingness’ for New Elections During Secret Talks | Despite the purported offer, US inclination for unilateral regime change seems intact.
Neocon Nightmare: Trump’s Plan to Starve Venezuelans Into Submission
Stephen Lendman | Beyond Bush and Obama, this latest move by the Trump regime exceeds the worst of its predecessors.
National Strike in Ecuador Against US Imperialism, Calling for Assange’s Freedom
21WIRE + WSWS | As US media outlets bury the story of the national strike, protesters call for an end to the “rendition of WikiLeaks founder, Julian Assange, to the United States, placing his life in danger.”
Venezuelans ‘Impatient’ as US-Backed Guaidó Coup Continues to Flounder
21WIRE + | Support for the Guaidó coup continues to dry up.
Cuban Diplomat: ‘There are no troops’ in Venezuela Despite Bolton’s Claims
21WIRE + | The lies about what is really happening in Venezuela continue to pile up.
REPORT: US-Backed Hybrid War on Venezuela Enters ‘Hot Phase’
SouthFront | It appears that Guaido and his supporters will be not able to seize power without direct foreign support.
SUNDAY SCREENING: ‘Chávez’ (2018)
SUNDAY SCREENING | A look at the ideological origins of Hugo Chávez which led him to challenge Venezuela’s elite ruling class.
What Would Happen if Brazil Joined NATO?
Tim Kirby | Will Washington look to pull Brazil into its NATO ‘defense’ cartel?
‘The UN is Toothless on the Issue of Sanctions’, Leaving Venezuela Vulnerable to Instability
Patrick Henningsen | How long can Caracas tolerate the open sedition being coordinated by Washington?
Master Trolling: Elliot Abrams Gives Away Venezuela Bluff to Vovan & Lexus
21WIRE | Abrams lets slip how Washington only wants Caracas to believe it is serious by ‘talking tough’ about military intervention, when in reality they are not.