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Browse over 700 articles and video in 21WIRE's science and technology archives...

New U.S. Research Finds Evidence Linking Monsanto Weedkiller to Cancer

The New Lede | New study unloads another bombshell on this already damaged brand.

Mind Blowing: CDC Forced to Reveal How Deadly the COVID Jab Is

Dr. Joseph Mercola | Not only did the CDC refuse to release the data, but it also provided false information. But eventually, the real information was revealed.

Another Faux Epidemic: What Happened to the Strep A ‘Superbug’?

Dr. Sam Bailey | A look into the actual science surrounding Group A Strep hype.

Sweden Doctors: COVID Vaccines Are ‘Obviously Dangerous’ and Should Be Halted Immediately

Daily Skeptic | Public trust in gov’t and public health institutions will inevitably be eroded because of the reckless vaccine roll-out.

‘Net Zero’ Will Lead to The End of Modern Civilisation, Says Top Scientist

21WIRE | A damning indictment of the Net Zero political project, by one of the world’s leading nuclear physicists.

Stefan Lanka on the Virology Fraud: ‘Virus, It’s Time To Go’

Dr. Sam Bailey | It turns out that ‘The Science’ was wrong all along.

Exposing ‘Vaccine Misinformation’ Mythology

Dr. Sam Bailey | Some groups have declared the vaccine unfit for use in humans, but the authorities refuse to change their script.

Google Execs Declare ‘Code Red’ Over Revolutionary New Chat Bot

Zero Hedge | Google may eventually decide to overhaul its search engine in favor of a chat bot as the face of its service.

Exclusive Interview with Elon Musk Reveals Scope of His Overhaul of Twitter Inc.

Inner Vision | Musk admitted that this will be fine balancing act between careful experimentation and long-term patience.

Tesla Owner Stranded at Charging Station on Christmas Eve After Cold Weather Paralyzes Battery

21WIRE | Not only are Tesla’s electric cars not as ‘green’ as people think, they often do not work when you need them to.

Zuckerberg Claims He Doesn’t Want to ‘Own’ User Experiences, Denies That Meta is Creating VR Monopoly

21WIRE | The social media mogul is being accused of trying to leverage a monopoly over the new virtual digital world.

Twitter Files: Secret Blacklists and Shadow-banning of Conservative and Independent Users

21WIRE | As it turns out, their sordid operation was much worse than anyone thought.

Apple: Most iCloud Data Will Now Be End-to-End Encrypted

21WIRE | The FBI and other authoritarian actors have expressed their displeasure over Apple’s pro-liberty stance.

When ‘Children of Men’ Gets Real: Infertility Crisis Threatens Future of Human Race

21WIRE | Massively declining sperm counts are nw a global reality, and the problem is only getting worse.

The War for the Heart of Cryptocurrency

Blake Lovewell | Following the FTX upheaval, It is the perfect time to evaluate the current crypto space.

Fairy Tales of Covid Cruiseliners and ‘Gain of Function’ Science Fiction

Dr. Sam Bailey | When you deconstruct the shoddy science, the narrative quickly comes unraveled.

New Study: Little to No Health Risks Related to Eating Meat

The Blaze | A potential rethink of conventional dietary wisdom.

INTERVIEW: Dr. Kevin Corbett on the HIV-AIDS and COVID Deceptions

ACR Radio | The striking parallels between the COVID hysteria and the HIV/AID pseudo pandemics.

INTERVIEW: Steve Falconer on Debunking Modern Virology

ACR Radio | A refreshing and realistic take on the otherwise confusing field of modern virology, and the hard reality about bio weapons research.

Google Ordered to Pay $400mil to 40 U.S. States for Tracking User Locations

AP | Corrupt officials at Google made the decision to continue tracking people’s location data – even after they opted out of such tracking.

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