Patrick Henningsen | Our reporter arrives in Copenhagen for the ultimate UN junket tour.
Patrick Henningsen is an American writer, accredited journalist, global affairs analyst, co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire, host of the SUNDAY WIRE weekly radio show & podcast which broadcasts globally over the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR), and formerly on the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio International, as well as a former co-host of the UK Column News TV program. His work has appeared in a number of international publications and on TV channels globally. Patrick has an MA in International Relations from the University of Plymouth in the UK, and over the last decade he has worked on the ground covering politics and global affairs in North America and Europe, as well as work in conflict zones in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon (Photo: taken in Aleppo, Syria 2017)..
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Rendition: Where the War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs
Patrick Henningsen | Americans might ask themselves whether or not practices like indefinite detention, torture, ‘black’ prisons and drug running – makes them proud to fly the stars and stripes.
Climate Skeptics Give Greenpeace a Dose of Their Own Medicine in Copenhagen
Patrick Henningsen | Somehow, Greenpeace began abandoning scientific objectivity in favor of political agendas.
Arnold Arrives in Copenhagen for Final Push Towards Global Government
Patrick Henningsen | Clearly, a recipe for fraud and fiat money laundering on a scale which mankind has never witnessed before.
Tony Blair Arrives in Time for Snow Storm in Copenhagen
Patrick Henningsen | Judging by historical record, it seems that Climate Change and the Iraq War have much in common after all.
Patrick Henningsen | Most ‘climate activists’ have little or no idea what they are doing in Copenhagen this week.
COP15: A Neo-colonial Climate Regime Revealed
Patrick Henningsen | If only we could see through that innocent child’s eyes and know that the global warming emperor has no clothes.
“Hopenhagen” Hopes to Set its Global Agenda
Patrick Henningsen | UN slogans line Copenhagen’s billboards and public spaces, technocrats gather to sell-off sovereignty.