21WIRE | Watch as the US media loses the plot, getting the story completely wrong, while we got it right.
Patrick Henningsen is an American writer, accredited journalist, global affairs analyst, co-founder and executive editor of 21st Century Wire, host of the SUNDAY WIRE weekly radio show & podcast which broadcasts globally over the Alternate Current Radio Network (ACR), and formerly on the Patrick Henningsen Show on TNT Radio International, as well as a former co-host of the UK Column News TV program. His work has appeared in a number of international publications and on TV channels globally. Patrick has an MA in International Relations from the University of Plymouth in the UK, and over the last decade he has worked on the ground covering politics and global affairs in North America and Europe, as well as work in conflict zones in Syria, Iraq, and Lebanon (Photo: taken in Aleppo, Syria 2017)..
See more at: www.patrickhenningsen.com
THOUGHT POLICE: US Border Control Wants to Study Your Facebook, Twitter Accounts
Patrick Henningsen | So who are these arbiters of political thought and social discourse?
The Genealogy of Trump’s U-Turn on Palestine
Patrick Henningsen | Even for a self-made billionaire, money still buys friends and influence.
Henningsen on White House Press Dinner: ‘The Fourth Estate is Nonexistent in America’
SUNDAY WIRE | The true state of the American media, on display at the annual White House ritual.
Henningsen on Aleppo Ceasefire: ‘US Ploy to Buy Time for Terrorist Reinforcements’
Patrick Henningsen | US diplomats in Geneva are providing cover for CIA and Pentagon covert operations on the ground in Syria.
Corbett Report: Patrick Henningsen on NGOs and Human Rights Industrial Complex
Corbett Report | Slick ‘regime change’ PR campaigns designed to nudge public perception and opinion for ‘humanitarian’ interventions and covert wars.
AN INTRODUCTION: Smart Power & The Human Rights Industrial Complex
Patrick Henningsen | Big money, conflicts of interest and revolving doors between government and charities – all these threaten to undermine the integrity of the entire NGO sector internationally.
CrossTalk: ‘Bullhorns Incorruptible’ with guest Patrick Henningsen
CrossTalk | This week’s biggest international news stories – through the bullhorn.
CrossTalk: ‘Bullhorns Unlimited’ with guest Patrick Henningsen
CrossTalk | Losing the plot? What in the world is Washington thinking?
Coke Zero: What Went Wrong With The Marco Rubio Brand?
Patrick Henningsen | One of the biggest-ever exercises in marketing hype came crashing down yesterday.
Henningsen on Trump Rally Fervor: ‘Political Relativism Has Descended on America’
Patrick Henningsen | You’ve heard of moral relativism – now welcome to America’s brave new world of political relativism.
Blood Sport: GOP Presidential Race Takes Another Brutal Turn As ‘Party Favorites’ Tear Into Trump
Patrick Henningsen | As the old saying goes: never wrestle with a pig.
Syria Ceasefire Deal: A Cynical Ploy by Washington’s ‘Coalition’ to Buy Time for Terrorists
Patrick Henningsen | This latest diplomatic effort may in fact be ‘dead on arrival’.
Trial By YouTube: Mainstream Media Use Second-hand Oregon Account to Cast Blame on Dead Rancher
Patrick Henningsen | Even in Oregon, truth is the first casualty in war.
REPORT: ‘Federal Government Escalated the Violence in Oregon’
21WIRE + RT | 21WIRE journalist weighs in on the situation in Oregon and discusses its implications.
Eyewitness Says Feds Ambushed Bundys, 100 Shots Fired at Passengers, Lavoy Finicum Killed With ‘Hands Up’
Patrick Henningsen | A new harrowing testimony from Oregon paints a shocking picture of federal escalation of violence.
Sunnistan: US and Allied ‘Safe Zone’ Plan to Take Territorial Booty in Northern Syria
Patrick Henningsen | If the Syrian conflict has been good for one thing, it’s that the scripted western narrative has finally hit the wall of truth.
YEAR IN REVIEW: 2015 Top Ten Conspiracies
Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton | Grab a cup of coffee and get ready to look back at the wild rumble that was 2015…
A CASE FOR SANITY: Italy Is Pushing Back on Renewed EU Sanctions Against Russia
Patrick Henningsen | Rome offers a remedy for Europe’s economic pain, but will it work?
Hillary’s Secret Weapon: Donald Trump
Patrick Henningsen | No matter how much muscle he thinks he has coming out of the GOP primaries, the system may already be gamed against The Donald.