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Medical Journals, Hospitals Caught Covering Up Key Data on Vaccine Injuries

21WIRE + Brasscheck TV | Now the lies they’re telling about their ‘final solution’ are getting bigger and bolder.

Who’s Behind the Global Takeover and Vaccine Mandates?

Dr Joseph Mercola | Understanding how the ‘global pandemic’ is being used to usher a new technocracy control system of global governance and neofeudalism. Can it be stopped?

Social Media – Why it Sickens the Self and Divides Society

Academy of Ideas | Can humanity survive this potential derailment in the evolutionary process? 

American Identifies as Mexican to Avoid Biden Vaccine Mandate

Tyler Fischer | Turns out the solution is easier than you thought.

CDC Says ‘Immunocompromised’ Americans Can Now Get ‘4th Shot’

21WIRE | Latest update from CDC signals a broader and sustained campaign of endless COVID ‘boosters’ in perpetuity likely on the way.

Pharma Anschluss: Austria Considering Policy of State Segregation, House Arrest for Unvaccinated

21WIRE | Historically speaking, the apple never falls far from the tree.

MSM Partisan America: ‘You’re Being Instructed Not to Notice This’

21WIRE | Reactionary lockdowns and social justice riots have damaged both the national and local economies, not to mention tearing society apart. And the media do not want you to talk about it.

Exposing the Vaccine Passport Technocracy

The HighWire with Del Bigtree | It may be the most dangerous development to befall a free humanity in modern history. 

LA City Council: ‘No Jab? That’ll Be $65, Please’

21WIRE | City officials hope that a constant campaign of harassment and financial penalties will encourage its remaining unvaccinated employees to submit to their medical decree.

And the Nomination for the Double Standards and Hypocrisy Hall of Fame…

Ethical Alarms | Since 2020, the Democrats and their loyal media have tried to make it a crime against the state to point out the obvious anomaly in the notorious 2020 Election.

FDA Panel Votes 17-0 to Allow Experimental Pfizer Injections for Children 5-11 yrs

21WIRE | Another round of non existent government regulation paves the way for infinitely more risk, and billions in profit for the manufacturers and their investors.

Twitter Posts $536 million Loss in Q3 Following Lawsuit Payout

21WIRE | Silicon Valley’s premier censorship machine hit hard by shareholder lawsuit alleging deception by Twitter executives.

Naomi Wolf: ‘We Have Drifted Into a Totalitarian Tyranny’

Corona Ausschuss | Can the people of the west to reclaim their nation statehood before it is too late?

Another Monopoly? Bill Gates is Now America’s Biggest Farmland Owner

Dr Joseph Mercola | It appears that financial motivations are now driving agriculture and environmental decisions to support the personal goals of oligarchs.

“Let’s Go Brandon” by Bryson Gray (MUSIC VIDEO) [Ft. Tyson James & Chandler Crump]

Bryson Gray | Despite being banned from YouTube, the song has reached the number one spot on the iTunes and other music charts. 

Prof Mattias Desmet: Coronavirus and the Psychology of Totalitarianism

Corona Ausschuss | Totalitarianism enabled by the historically-proven socialised process known as ‘mass formations.’

Do Viruses Cause Disease? A Conversation with Dr Sam Bailey

Jerm Warfare | Much of what is known as germ theory, and its sibling, modern virology, is based on a false premise. 

Vaccine Mandate: Joe Biden Mocks Calls for ‘Freedom’ at Town Hall

21WIRE | In a bizarre display, Biden openly mocks vaccine skeptics for citing their Constitutional rights in opposing medical apartheid.

Sweden Suspends Moderna mRNA Injections After Patients Develop Crippling Heart Condition

21WIRE | Swedish health officials now having second thoughts about giving the problematic jabs to any more of its citizens. 

Tens of Thousands in Bern, Switzerland Reject Vaccine Passports, Mandates

21WIRE | Protesters take to the streets to make a clear statement to government about the new fascist policies.

Get Your Copy of New Dawn Magazine #203 - Mar-Apr Issue