Jay Dyer | Edgy, anti-human propaganda that seeks to degrade the image of man for the hope of a false Gospel of tech-gnosis.
Articles and videos by Jay Dyer
The Bizarre Occult Message of Assassin’s Creed (2016)
Jay Dyer | This video game-turned film blends everything from transhumanism to Templarism.
Hollywood Gives Al-Qaeda An Oscar
Moon of Alabama | This propaganda film’s task was to convince the “western” public that the war on Syria is justified. Goebbels would be jealous.
Bringing NATO’s Demonic ‘Democracy’ to Libya & Syria: Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer | The larger agenda behind NATO’s proxy wars in Libya and Syria and the Anglo-American imperial strategy to destabilize nations.
Paparazzi & Propaganda: Infamous Paparazzo Legend Charlie Pycraft Tells All -JaysAnalysis (Half)
Jay Dyer | With both wild and entertaining stories, Mr. Pycraft shares his unique insights on fake and staged news, PR manufactured events, psychological operations, the UK hack and crack scandal and more.
(Video) Syria, Assassinations, Wikileaks & the West: The Big Plan Exposed
Jay Dyer | The big picture story of Libya, Syria and the post-modern imperial plan to restructure these nations for NATO and the Bilderberg establishment’s pipeline plans.
Neocons are Trotskyites – How the System Perpetuates Faux Democracy (Video)
Jay Dyer | Propagated by a Rockefeller-founded university and former followers of Leon Trotsky, neocons were behind the Rand Corporation and its designer, marketed and manufactured conflicts, including the Cold War.
Russian Wikileaks Hacking the Election for Trump: Total CIA Nonsense – Jay Dyer
Jay Dyer | Now, we are to believe the mainstream media’s comedic conspiracy theory that Russia hacked the election for Trump. This 1 hour mini-documentary video report breaks it all down.
ESOTERIC HOLLYWOOD: Catherine Austin Fitts-Systemic Corruption & Narco Dollars
Jay Dyer | From the black budget to Enron to BCCI and the bailout, Fitts deconstructs how exactly we got into the mess we’re in, including the tie-ins of black markets.
The Entire Mainstream Warmongering Media is Fake
Jay Dyer | The black hole of deception calls the kettle black.