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The Magic of Bagram: Obama is Bush 2.0

21st Century Wire July 29, 2010 Indeed, Bagram Prison is a magical place, an exotic location where thousands of Afghanis and Arabs can still go and experience a lawless theme park of torture and indefinite detention. Almost two years into the new administration, the Guantanamo Hotel is still open for business as well… and even old Knuckles still has […]

Obama’s H.R. 5741 ‘Slave Bill’ now in Committee

EDITOR’S NOTE: Adolph Hitler once said “Why nationalize industry when we can nationalize the people?” As it happened, the Nazi party was in fact a revolutionary hybrid combining the RIGHT and the LEFT. Indeed, National (on the right) and Socialism (on the left), fused together in a way the people would willingly embrace… fascism. So […]

Alex Jones Talks About the film ‘The Road’ and Our History

21WIRE | A film about a dystopic nightmare world after total political, social and environmental collapse takes place.

Botched CIA Kidnapping and the PR War – Is the Agency is Losing Its Touch?

Patrick Henningsen | Whether it’s McClellan-Bush or Gibbs-Obama, the message and the game are one in the same.

“The Founding Fathers Rap”

In the spirit of the 4th of July, Master P. and Soopa S. joined forces to break down the Founding Fathers Rap… Word to Cherry Tree George, Benny F. and Tommy J. and all the brothers of the colonies. Sure, the Bankers are still abusing your mugs and graven images on their counterfeit fiat paper […]

Is Pop Music Eating Itself (and us in the process)?

Patrick Henningsen | Will this all-encompassing commercial onslaught by pop be the end of the innocence for our youth?

The IPCC ‘consensus’ on climate change was phoney, says top IPCC insider

Lawrence Solomon National Post June 14, 2010 The UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change misled the press and public into believing that thousands of scientists backed its claims on manmade global warming, according to Mike Hulme, a prominent climate scientist and IPCC insider.  The actual number of scientists who backed that claim was “only a […]

Liberal Icon Daniel Ellsberg fears Wikileaks founder Julian Assange may be a CIA Target

21WIRE + MSNBC | The question remains: when will Americans and Obama apologists wake up and smell the coffee?

Israeli Aggression: Watch Trailer from “Operation Overreaction”

Mark Fiore | See the Gaza Flotilla action and watch as Israel continues to struggle maintaining healthy relations- with anyone!

Afghans Claim: US, Pakistan Created and Funds Taliban

Kurt Nimmo | Zbigniew Brzezinski admitted the Taliban was created by the United States.

Obama’s Internet Czar Cass Sunstein wants to turn off the lights on Free Speech

Jerry Mazza | Those who talk truth to power will be taxed or banned – I hear the clicking of boot heels as I write.

LEARNING TO LOVE COLLATERAL DAMAGE: Another Day, Another Massacre in Afghanistan

Patrick Henningsen | A chain of events which took place in Khataba followed by the cover-up by the Pentagon bring shame to Amerika.

TASER NATION: ‘Inside the NBA’ TV Program Making Fun of Taser Victims

21WIRE | Why would an NBA basketball program want to glorify and make light comedy out of state-sanctioned torture?

New Obama Law Places ‘Soviet-Style’ Capital Controls on Americans

Patrick Henningsen | As the dollar slides down the monetary toilet, you can expect the US gov’t will stop non-elite citizens from parking their money off shore.

Steady Stream of Drug Money Departs Afghanistan, U.S. Officials Flummoxed

Kurt Nimmo | Drugs and guns – a CIA love story. But who is Gulbuddin Hekmatyar?

Patrick Henningsen on The Alex Jones Show (US)

Patrick Henningsen | The UN Climate Summit exposed.

Patrick Henningsen on The Alex Jones Show (US)

Patrick Henningsen | Our reporter arrives in Copenhagen for the ultimate UN junket tour.

Peter Dale Scott Explains the ‘Deep State’ and US Drug-Assisted Wars

UC Berkley Professor Peter Dale Scott explains how a US President does not choose “the mindset” of Washington’s foreign policy, rather, Washington’s ‘Deep State’ really chooses the people who become President.  Characteristics of the present Deep State are repeated involvement in numerous Drug-Assisted Wars around the globe. Obama’s government will simply continue the word started […]

Dead Osama Bin Laden: Climate Change Warrior

Kurt Nimmo | The Osama as ‘tree hugger’ audio is the second from the dead terror leader and CIA asset in a week.

Rendition: Where the War on Terror Meets the War on Drugs

Patrick Henningsen | Americans might ask themselves whether or not practices like indefinite detention, torture, ‘black’ prisons and drug running – makes them proud to fly the stars and stripes.

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