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STUXNET virus attack: Russia warns of ‘Iranian Chernobyl’

Telegraph | According to Western intelligence reports, Russian scientists warned the Kremlin that they could be facing “another Chernobyl”.


Kurt Nimmo | A number of computer scientists, nuclear enrichment experts and former officials, say the covert race to create Stuxnet was a joint project between the Americans and the Israelis.


21st Century Wire Jan 18, 2011    Some interesting questions, and answers, raised by philosopher Eckhart Tolle. Author Eckhart Tolle is the author of the popular series The Power of Now. He certainly has some great insights into the mental state of Western man and the politics of the mind. 

Q: Could a Magnetic Pole Shift May Close Airports?

BIN | At the current rate, about every 5 years a compass needle will be off by 1 degree.

21st Century Wire: Most Popular Stories of 2010

21WIRE | What were our biggest stories for 2010? Here they are…


(it could land you in prison)    Come Jan 1st, those innocent “climate quips” could just land you in a cold cell. The video comedy sketch above is actually hitting very close to home. Our latest and somewhat controversial article on global warming  has prompted some readers and Facebook members to say that “They (21st […]

2010: Another record breaking winter – So what happened to global warming?

Patrick Henningsen | In the 21st century, we thought modern man had surely advanced past his dependence on mythology, but old habits die hard.

INTERVIEW: Richard Groves talks about the independent media

   Tragedy And Hope founder Richard Groves talks about the potential of the independent media. This is an excellent new thought-provoking portal that delves into the issue of empowerment, as well as many aspects and possibilities surrounding the rise of the independent media… www.tragedyandhope.com

WIKIREBELS: The Documentary

Watch this documentary covering the Wikileaks phenomenon: . “There is no doubt that on the whole, Wikileaks and Julian Assange have done a tremendous public service by providing the public with war-time transparency on the big stage. The effort by the organisation is nothing short of groundbreaking. But this does not mean that newshounds and pundits should be […]

Exclusive: ‘Internet was never free or open, and never will be’

Raw Story | The forces of ‘bottom-up anarchy’ are forcing the authorities to up their security game.


Patrick Henningsen | Is the Icelandic “watchdog” digital dumping site being used in a cynical ploy by the Establishment?

Russian Charge D’affaires confirms 21WIRE story: UK media goes blackout

21WIRE | UK-Russia World Cup spy scandal escalates, but is the British gov’t telling media to bury the story for ‘national security’ reasons?

WIKILEAKS: Whistleblower Extraordinaire, or Limited Hangout?

Patrick Henningsen | As the euphoria on Barack Obama subsides, people are looking for a new saviour to pin those hopes on.

Tit-for-Tat Diplomatic Row Pits Putin Against the Queen

21WIRE | MI5 nabbing the alleged ‘Russian mole’ in the House of Commons was merely an attempt to equalise by Buckingham Palace in this diplomatic turf war.

Queen’s MI5 Detains Russian Honey Trap Spy in Response to England’s 2018 World Cup Humiliation

21WIRE | Old Cold War sparks are flying again between Britain and Russia over the World Cup bid.

Global Currency Race: Germany is back in Pole Position, Ahead of China

21WIre | China and Germany are now head-to-head in the global currency sweepstakes.


Patrick Henningsen | The world’s busiest printing press never seems to slow down.

Death to the Chicago Climate Exchange ($7.40 to a nickel per CO2 ton, the market has spoken)

By William Griesingerwww.masterresource.orgNovember 18, 2010 “One of the keystones of the Climate Change alarmist movement was its audacious attempt to create a functioning market by monetizing the atmospheric gas known as CO2…. Certainly, gaming the system has always been at the top on the agenda of the new green eco-trader.” – Patrick Henningsen, “The Great Collapse […]

The Stench of American Hypocrisy

By Dr Paul Craig Roberts OpEd News November 14, 2010 Ten years of rule by the Bush and Obama regimes have seen the collapse of the rule of law in the United States. Is the American media covering this ominous and extraordinary story? No, the American media is preoccupied with the rule of law in […]

Teenagers who text up 120 times per day ‘are more likely to have sex, use drugs and drink alcohol’

21WIRE + Mail Online | Texting, Facebook, and the new definition of ‘chav’…

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