21WIRE | Key media establishment operators were pulled in to help create an elaborate McAlpine smokescreen.
Pedo-politician: Newsnight claims former top Tory was child sex pervert
Twitter Sparks Fresh BBC row over Newsnight ‘paedophile’ politician probe
Telegraph | Twitter is back in the news again, this time over a pedophile investigation.
Express | Was the supposed fumbling of Lord McAlpine’s name by the BBC a big ruse to protect the Establishment?
Michelle Obama’s Crocodile Tears… and 16 Vacations in 4 years
First Lady Michelle’s public-funded world austerity tour could come to a halt…
The Truth About Media Ownership
So you think your media is free and unbiased? So you think that the internet and independent media are dangerous? Consider this fact…
What this Lucasfilm-Star Wars acquisition means for Disney
21st Century Wire says… Now Yoda and Mickey Mouse are under the same management. Isn’t that just wonderful… Tom CheredarWashington Post Disney’s purchase of Lucasfilm will bring the world three new Star Wars movies (Episodes 7, 8, and 9) and many news ways for the company to boost its digital media revenue. During a call […]
DOUBLE STANDARDS – Guest Patrick Henningsen speaks out about Press TV now banned in Europe
Double Standards | 21WIRE’s Patrick Henningsen tears apart the western mainstream’s fake narrative on Syria.
Furry Over Poland Claims of Explosives on 2010 Presidential Plane Crash – Key Witness Found Hanged
All Gov | Poland’s top politicians were murdered in a plane crash – but why?
SUPER TECH: World’s Fastest Computer Quietly Turned On by U.S. Gov’t
“ORNL is home to Titan, the world’s most powerful supercomputer for open science with a theoretical peak performance of over 20 quadrillion calculations per second…” After three years of not owning the world’s fastest computer, the U.S. government is once again back on top, thanks to the Department of Energy. Energy officials on Monday unveiled […]
DRY RUN? 18 Major Internet Hubs Down Across North America This Week
This week, 18 major internet hubs were downed across North America. Though several of them are in the areas hit by Hurricane Sandy, many others are not. What’s really going on? Was Hurricane Sandy a dry run for something coming up…? North America Avg. Response Time: 364 Avg. Packet Loss: 32 % Total Routers: 37 Network up: 51 % […]
Paedohile Savile’s £4.3m Estate Frozen By Nat West Bank
Huff Post | The newspaper obtained a copy of document which instructs that £20,000 in cash was to be shared between 20 of the celebrity’s friends. Who are they?
Hurricane Sandy Takes Bite out of Big Apple
Significant damage was done to various locations of New York City this week, with estimates of property damage and loss of business totalling upwards of $3 billion. Before and after photos of underground car park in Manhattan…
Russian Election Chief Rips US Elections and Fraudulent Voting Machines
Russia’s Central Election Commission chief has ranked the American electoral system among the “worst in the world.” One of the main problems with the US electoral system is the lack of transparency, Vladimir Churov argues in an article published in Wednesday’s issue of Rossiyskaya Gazeta. According to US law, international observers from the Organization for […]
Straight Brad donates $100K to back ‘same-sex’ marriages
RT | Hollywood hunk makes major donation to promote gay marriage globally.
Will the ‘Star Wars’ narrative change now that Disney has bought LucasFilm?
‘Why the Old ‘Star Wars’ Formula Can’t Work in the War-on-Terror Era’ D.B. Grady The Atlantic To connect with a new audience, Star Wars needs to catch up with the modern political zeitgeist… The unexpected news of Disney acquiring Lucasfilm and the plans to continue Star Wars are worth some consideration. The Atlantic’s Spencer Kornhaber […]
Rohingya Muslims Ethnic Cleansing and Silence from the West’s Moral Gatekeepers
BURMA/MYANMAR – Hardly a word from the West’s latest mascot for world peace, Aung San Suu Kyi, as the U.N. and the world remain surprisingly silent on this issue. Western media hide the plight of Rohingya Muslims – brutal state sponsored ethnic cleansing – as it doesn’t fit the preferred story that Buddhists are “peace-loving” […]
ALL TRICK, NO TREAT: Happy Halloween From Your Ruling Elite…
21WIRE | Now this lot is very scary.
$43 Trillion Bankster Lawsuit – and the mystery of two NY toddlers murdered
Wall Street financial mafia and the story you might never hear of again. If you haven’t yet seen this story, it’s worth checking out now… Last week, a horrific scene was discovered in a Manhattan apartment as the mother of two toddlers found her children dead in a bathtub and the nanny who was supposed to be […]