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US Fears Losing Support for Anti-Iran Sanctions

Press TV | Is the West taking sadistic pleasure in incurring mass deaths and suffering in Iran?

Israel Approved Killing of Hamas Commander Amid Talks on Long-Term Truce

Global Research John Glaser Just hours before Israel assassinated Hamas commander Ahmed Jabari on Tuesday, he received the draft proposal of a permanent truce agreement with Israel. But Israel approved the airstrike anyways, choosing escalation over resolution. Israeli peace activist Gershon Baskin, who helped negotiate the release of Gilad Shalit and maintained contacts with Hamas leaders, said the […]

Hounding Steve Messham, smears in the Daily Mail, threats against MPs and police complicity

The Slog | So just who is Alfred ‘Jimmie’ McAlpine anyway? Another cover-up…

BP settles criminal charges for $4 billion in spill; supervisors indicted on manslaughter

Washington Post Stephen Mufson BP has agreed to plead guilty to 14 criminal counts, including manslaughter, and will pay $4 billion over five years in a settlement with the Justice Department over the April 20, 2010, drilling disaster in the Gulf of Mexico that killed 11 people and unleashed the worst offshore oil spill in U.S. […]

The Pedo Files: MP, Bishop ‘Pillars of the Community’ Abused Kids

The Sun | Political scion Sir Cyril Smith is the latest politician connected to organized child abuse in Westminster.

FANCY THAT: Police ‘Lost’ Thick Dossier, Later ‘Seized’ by MI5 on Paedophile Sir Cyril Smith

21WIRE | Overweight child rapist and serial paedophile who was knighted by the Queen of England, was also protected by the top British police and intelligence operatives.

Operation Yewtree Police Arrest Another BBC DJ On Child Abuse Charges

Pals and neighbours of Dave Lee Travis spoke of their shock yesterday at the former Radio 1 DJ’s arrest on suspicion of sexual offences. The 67-year-old was bailed last night after facing 13 hours of questioning at Aylesbury Police Station by cops probing the Jimmy Savile abuse scandal. He refused to comment as he was […]

Kevin Clash, Elmo puppeteer, cleared of sex abuse allegations

Global Post David Trifunov Kevin Clash, the puppeteer behind Sesame Street’s beloved Elmo, has been cleared of sexual abuse allegations. A man who said that, as a 16-year-old, he had a sexual relationship with Clash recanted today, The Associated Press reported. The law firm that represented the man, who remains unidentified, released a statement today […]

Documentary Film: ‘The Beautiful Truth’ – Curing Cancer Naturally

We are being killed by a million cuts, slowly but surely. But there is hope… “The United States, and on a smaller scale Europe, is being propelled towards total disaster through the deliberate poisoning of our most essential basic need – our food. Within the last hundred years food manufacturers, through their clever and aggressive […]

It’s Supposed To Be A Public Broadcaster: Will the BBC Trust fix it?

By Ben Fellows MaxFarquar.com The BBC Trust are to investigate how the BBC, its management and structures led to one of the country’s worst cases of institutional paedophilia within the BBC; which spanned decades and continues to this day. BBC Trust fat cat, sorry I mean Chairman Lord Patten, told BBC staff when he took up his post […]


WRH | No photos or videos, means that bin Laden was never there.


The UN’s Agenda 21 is being rolled out in across Europe, Africa, North America, Australia, parts of South America and parts of Asia. They have already created specially designated UN ‘sustainable cities‘ in countries like India, Nepal… and have begun introducing sustainable communities and transition towns in Europe and elsewhere. Their stated goal is to herd private land owners […]

Documentary – ‘Television: The Image of Sin’

Note how your reality is shaped by what is projected by mainstream television and major newspapers and websites. Think about it…

Child Sex Rings Reveal the Most Horrific Acts of Society’s Power Elite

Mark West | Like Savile was protected by the BBC, US contractors at DynCorp were part of a large network of child prostitution involving international aid workers – all sanctioned by the US government.

Original SCALLYWAG Magazine Paedophile Ring Investigation Turns Up Online

21WIRE | The original 1990′s SCALLYWAG Magazine paedophile investigation has popped-up online, including the complete exposé of the North Wales Boys Home scandal, and details of a sophisticated child abuse network running through Westminster and elsewhere.

The Cover-up Continues: Lords Peers Demand Child Abuse Investigation Dropped

21st Century Wire says: As we detailed earlier this week, the establishment is desperate to draw a line under any serious independent investigations into organised paedophile rings and child abuse in British establishments, because exposure threatens individuals who sit within the very power structure of multiple institutions – including government, the judiciary, the police, child […]

INTERVIEW: Wrexham Child Home Abuse Victim Describes Elite Paedophile Sex Parties

21WIRE | Some highly paid media figures are still claiming that this type of organised paedophilia among the nation’s powerful elite doesn’t exist – but this film blows them to pieces.

White House Petition for Executive Order ‘Stripping Citizenship and Exile’ Anyone Who Signs Petition to Secede

21WIRE | America needs to embrace this debate – not shut it down.


21WIRE | Exposing the BBC’s privately-run TV license extortion racket.

A Film from Harry Fear in Palestine: ‘Martyred in Gaza’

“Most of the shelling targeted young people, women and the elderly and the Israeli enemy is erratically targeting civilians.” Over Armistice weekend Israeli forces killed 6 Palestinians and injured around 40 in three sets of attacks on the Gaza Strip. In the Jabalia area, 20-year-old Mohammed Obeid was killed. In the Shejiea area, Israel killed […]

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