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Search Results for: Manchester

UPDATE: Manchester Bomber Radicalized by NATO-trained Terrorist

RT International | New revelations reveal bomber was another known wolf with ties to NATO’s extremist foot soldiers.

Tommy Robinson, Former EDL Leader Holds Secret Meeting with Manchester Jews

21WIRE + The Independent | Members of the Jewish community appear to be courting the anti-Muslim activist.

MANCHESTER: Radicalization and Violent Extremism is the Responsibility of Western Governments

Jeremy Salt | “There are no policemen on duty and like a gang of jewel thieves, the collective ‘west’, having got away with numerous crimes”

‘Manchester Atrocity Lifts Rock of British Foreign Policy, Reveals Faustian Alliance with Extreme Islam” ~ John Pilger

John Pilger | The war on terror was never about defeating terrorism but about conquest and subjugation

BIZARRE: 7/7 Survivor Commits Suicide After Manchester Bombing

21WIRE + The Independent | Apparent suicide of terror victim connects 7/7 to Manchester bombing.

THE COLUMN: Post-Manchester, May’s War on the Internet, ISIS in Philippines, Macron’s Red Line

UK Column News | Mike Robinson joined by Patrick Henningsen and Vanessa Beeley on this news edition.

Corbyn Agrees: Foreign Policy Responsible for Manchester Attack

21WIRE | Could a Corbyn win in Britain’s election break the cycle?

MANCHESTER’S KNOWN WOLF: Watched by MI5 with Ties to NATO-Backed Terror in Libya – What Does It All Mean?

Shawn Helton | Though many are still unsettled in the wake of the Manchester arena bombing – key questions have emerged following this latest act of terror in the West.

FRAUD – Serious Questions Remain About The Daesh Manchester Video

21WIRE | We take a closer look at the video in which ISIS claimed to have carried out the Manchester attack.

TODAY’S COLUMN: Manchester’s Staged News, Trump’s Saudi Doublespeak and NATO’s Kennel Club

UK Column News | Theresa May’s new one party state, Trump’s Saudi dervish and the W.A.G.S. of NATO.

JOHN PILGER: UK, US Foreign Policy in Middle East – “A Recipe for Hideous Disaster and More Manchesters”

21WIRE | UK deeply involved in the “mayhem, exploitation and suffering of the Middle East”

CORRECT: Manchester Bomber Linked to British-Backed Terror Group in Libya

21WIRE | Sometimes, you just don’t want to be right.

Did British Officials Train Manchester Attacker as “Moderate Rebel” in Syria?

21WIRE | This is a question firmly rooted in fact.

TODAY’S COLUMN: Key Questions About the Manchester Bombing

UK Column Live | Too many strange incidences surrounding last night’s alleged ‘ISIS-inspired’ terrorist event in Manchester, England.

MANCHESTER – 22 Dead And 59 Injured In Arena Explosion, UK Election Suspended

21WIRE + RT | 22 people, including children, are confirmed dead alongside 59 injured after an explosion at the end of a concert at Manchester Arena, United Kingdom.

Greater Manchester Police Violence Against Fracking Protesters Turns Ugly This Week

21WIRE SPECIAL REPORT | It’s official: The Greater Manchester Police force has been converted into a corporate security army.

Tory Chop-Shop: 50,000 march in Manchester against selling-off of Britain’s NHS

21WIRE + Independent | Britons need to wake up – and fast, because the great NHS fire sale is already well underway.

‘Naked Body’ Scanners Scrapped at UK’s Manchester Airport After Cancer Scare

RT | Airports across the EU may abandon the use of X-ray scanners.

INTERVIEW: Basil Valentine & Nick Buckley MBE – Understanding The UK’s Civil Unrest

TNT Radio | Despite the tensions, the UK establishment will continue to blame the Kremlin or the far right to avoid accountability.

How Zionists Rewrote the History of The Second World War

Nial McCrae | To better understand the current upheaval in the Holy Land, it helps to know there are always two sides to history.

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