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SUNDAY SCREENING: The Great Ukrainian PR Scam (2024)

Our weekly documentary film is curated by the editorial team at 21WIRE.

Over 150 PR agencies from the U.S. and Europe are shaping Ukraine’s media image for the world’s consumption. This profound campaign began back in 2014 during the Maidan uprising. After the new government took power, the U.S. established propaganda networks, feeding deliberately false information to Western media. Ukraine’s Foreign Ministry became a puppet of the CIA. This strategy was first refined in Iraq, where the U.S. used the full force of modern PR technology during the conflict. The war was being broadcast as 24-hour news information with the advent of the all-day news cycle—the chosen method of control for the minds and perceptions of the people. The significant blurring of the lines of what is being broadcast as news, information and opinion is far murkier today, with deep levels of psychological manipulation being fed to a world population already exhausted. The propaganda relentlessly pushes for the acceptance of specific narratives. Watch:

Run time: 52 min
Directed by Maksim Sergeev
Production: RT Documentary


READ MORE ABOUT UKRAINE NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Ukraine Files




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