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Joe Biden’s Economic Approval Now Worse Than Jimmy Carter

More than ever, President Joe Biden finds himself on the defensive when it comes to the poor performance of the US economy.

Since the 2020 campaign, Biden has only managed to cling to one issue to claim competence: the pandemic. Now that the pandemic narrative is waning, the elderly Democrat leader is struggling to pivot to any other substantive issue.

Now he finds himself deflecting daily criticism over the rapid increase in inflation, and skyrocketing fuel and energy costs for the nation’s working and middle classes.

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The situation is so dire now that many Americans are already pondering whether – after just 12 months in office – he has already eclipsed Jimmy Carter as the most incompetent president on managing the country’s economy. The poll numbers seem to suggest this has already happened.

Chris Enloe from The Blaze writes….

President Joe Biden’s economic ratings are officially worse than Jimmy Carter’s, an ominous sign for Biden’s re-election hopes and overall presidential legacy.

What do the numbers show?

According to the latest CNN/SSRS poll, Biden’s economic approval rating among registered voters is just 45%, while his economic disapproval rating is 54% — a net approval rating of -9%.

CNN noted that its poll number is actually four points better than the average of all economic approval ratings surveyed in December, which stands at -13%. That means Biden currently boasts the “the lowest net economic rating of any president at this point through their first term since at least Jimmy Carter in 1977,” CNN explained.

But it gets worse.

Not only does Biden sport the lowest net economic rating one year into his presidency since Carter, but it’s 18 points worse than the average president’s at this point in the presidency. According to CNN, the average president boasts a +5% economic approval rating at the one-year mark.

Other important data from the poll:

  • 75% of registered voters said they are worried about the economy, while just 25% said they are not worried about the economy;
  • 63% of registered voters described the current economic conditions as “poor,” while just 37% described them as “good”;
  • 45% of registered voters believe Biden’s policies have “worsened economic conditions in the country,” compared to just 30% who believe his policies have improved the economy;
  • 66% of registered voters said they “have some doubts and reservations” about Biden, while just 34% said Biden “is a leader you can trust.”

Additionally, 67% of respondents told pollsters that government spending is a “major problem,” 70% said high gas costs are a “major problem,” 77% said the rising cost of housing is a “major problem,” 79% said supply-chain disruptions are a “major problem,” and 80% said rising cost of food and everyday goods is a “major problem.”

What does this mean for Biden?

If Biden does not find a solution, and fast, his presidential legacy may become the same as Carter’s — or worse…

Continue this story at The Blaze

READ MORE BIDEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Biden Files




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