This week: an emotional and politically charged turned-out for the Dennis Hutchings funeral in Plymouth this week, as attendees voice their disapproval of government’s new round prosecution of soldiers for incidents taking place some 50 years ago. The COP26 climate road show is set to wrap-up in Glasgow this weekend, but not without some last minute snags. We explain the important take-aways from the Summit. Also, both UK and US drugs regulators have effectively been asleep at the wheel in allowing Big Pharma giants like Pfizer full immunity in pushing their experimental products on to the populations of most countries. Now that corruption is laid bare. In the US, Biden’s DHS is declaring war on DVE’s (domestic violent extremists) and warning the public that ‘attacks are coming this Christmas.’ All this and more.
Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up. Watch:
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