Last night the UK city of Plymouth was rocked by a mass shooting claiming the lives of six people, with unanswered questions as to the motivation of suspect, but also raising additional questions on where the government is likely to go regarding the issue of gun ownership in Britain. Governments, led by the US, UK, France and Germany – are stepping up their new authoritarian restrictions on rights and freedoms, including the imposing of Vaccine Passports, jabs and masks for young children and other wild measures supposedly designed to ‘stop the spread of COVID’ – only there is no actual pandemic to be found anywhere other than in virtual computer-modelling and PCR testing data. Meanwhile, the West now has its eyes on ‘vaccine hesitant’ Africa, with an aim of convincing millions of Africans to accept the unlicensed experimental pharmaceutical injection. All this and much more.
Co-hosts Mike Robinson and Patrick Henningsen with the end of week news round-up. Watch:
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