Canada’s prime minister, Justin Trudeau, announced that as part of its new Corona laws, any Canadians hoping to return to their country must first be tested before and after takeoff, meaning that anyone with a positive test result will need to immediately quarantine at designated government facility.
Trudeau’s new internment policy was put in place since last month, and numerous Canadians have taken to media to share their horror stories about the country’s latest authoritarian power play waged against its citizens.
SEE ALSO: The Truth About PCR Tests
Host Tucker Carlson describes the draconian scene: “Suddenly, Canada is a flagrant violator of the most basic human rights. Fail a COVID test and they’ll lock you up without trial. Go ahead and try to disobey. According to the Canadian government, anyone who attempts to avoid detention in a government internment facility could face a million-dollar fine and three years in prison.” Watch:
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