The erratic and arbitrary nature of state-imposed lockdown measures has led to the closure of gyms and leisure facilities throughout the United States, as well as in the UK and Europe. Despite this, business owners and their membership have made massive efforts including crowdfunding campaigns, and lobbying government to adopt a more common sense approach to restrictions rather than the state’s usual blanket authoritarian prohibition policy. Tragically, those efforts have all been flatly rejected by governments who seemed determined to crush the industry.
Even as governments have mostly succeeded in their effort to shutdown most of the industry, many dedicated owners and their membership haven’t stopped campaigning for their facilities to reopen on the basis that gyms are an essential service – and a key component in maintaining good overall physical and mental public health.
In this news segment, co-hosts Todd Piro and Jillian Mele meet with several fitness business owners in the U.S. to hear their stories. It’s now pretty clear based on a preponderance of evidence that there is a concerted effort by government officials using the ‘pandemic’ narrative in order to keep gyms as ‘non-viable’ businesses. Watch:
READ MORE LOCKDOWN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Lockdown Files