Today, the White House confirms that former National Security Advisor General Michael Flynn has been pardoned by President Donald Trump, leaving Mueller’s Russiagate folly further in tatters.
He is the second person implicated in Robert Mueller’s failed “Russian probe” who has received relief from the President. Earlier this year, longtime Trump advisor Roger Stone was given clemency and avoided serving jail time following his politically-motivated show trial which posited that Stone was a middle man between the Trump campaign and Wikileaks who Mueller and House Democrats falsely claimed was ‘working with the Russians.’
The Flynn prosecution was an abuse of FBI power, politically motivated, and a violation of the long-time liberal-left view, best expressed by RBG, that lying to FBI without more isn't even a crime. But liberals cheered it because they're authoritarians:
— Glenn Greenwald (@ggreenwald) November 25, 2020
Flynn had previously pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI over his conversations with then Russian ambassador to the US, Sergey Kislyak, but then later withdrew his plea after it was revealed that the FBI had entrapped Flynn based on an unlawful surveillance by the FBI during its illegal Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign. Under the watch of Barack Obama’s White House, the FBI used a completely fabricated “Russian meddling” narrative as the justification for spying on the future US President and his campaign associates and transition team.
The President tweeted this afternoon:
“It is my Great Honor to announce that General Michael T. Flynn has been granted a Full Pardon. Congratulations to @GenFlynn and his wonderful family, I know you will now have a truly fantastic Thanksgiving!’ Trump wrote on Twitter. ‘Have a great live General Flynn!”
The Department of Justice responded to Flynn’s pardon saying that it was well within the power of the President’s normal remit for such actions. FOX News reports:
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