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Coleman Hughes: The Moral Case Against Black Lives Matter

Is Black Lives Matter merely a ‘racial justice’ advocacy group, or are they pushing a broader political agenda? Beyond the emotive arguments and the media-driven polemics, what is the true degree of ‘systemic racism’ in today’s America?

UnHerd reports…

“It’s easy to dismiss anyone querying the Black Lives Matter movement as either pointlessly contrarian or — worse — actually racist. After all, who could object to the truism contained within chosen name? But there are important questions to ask about what the facts show about the scale of ‘systemic racism’, and whether drawing attention to race in such an intense way ultimately advances or hurts Martin Luther King’s vision of people being judged “not by the colour of their skin but but the content of their character.”

Freddie Sayers discusses these timely issues with Manhattan Institute fellow and Contributing Editor of City Journal, Coleman Hughes. Watch:

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