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Walter Williams on Political Correctness and Confederate Symbols

Confederate General Robert E. Lee’s monument in Richmond, slated for removal at the order of Virginia Gov. Northam (Image Credit: AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite)

In recent years, politically correct or ‘PC’ culture has accelerated beyond mere rhetorical and debate, and has now manifested in physical action and brute force. America’s present war on statues’ initiated by Black Lives Matter activists is a contemporary example of this phenomenon. These new canons ‘correct thought’ are now governing social interactions and civic life. However, it seems that very few of those engaged in this new culture war have little any sense of history beyond a collection emotive sound bites and slogans, packaged within an increasingly narrow band of racially-charged discourse. This renewed form of secular religion is threatening to kill-off constructive dialogue in crucial areas such as education, industry, politics and media – as people increasingly cower in fear at the prospect of feeling judged or blamed.

As with other similar movements in history, the primary goal of these culture wars is to try and erase history and construct a brand new narrative and dialectical paradigm designed to seize control of the political economy.

In this interview filmed in 2015, African-American academic and economist Walter E. Williams from George Mason University, discusses the recent political hysteria over Confederate symbols, and also comments on the vapidity of political correctness, and the attack on American history which is currently sweeping colleges and institutions across the country. Watch:

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