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California: New Study Shows Higher COVID-19 Cases, With Much Lower Death Rate

How prevalent is the coronavirus in California and is the case fatality rate as high as previously thought? As the real data comes in, experts are asking whether California’s ‘Shelter-in Place’ aka lockdown orders, are really justified? According to this latest study, prevalence of the virus is between 50 to 85 times higher than previously thought. “It’s probably as deadly as the flu, or a little bit worse,” says Dr. Jay Bhattacharya from Stanford University. 

“A month ago, we interviewed Dr. Jay Bhattacharya just as the COVID-19 crisis was shuttering the economy and governments were ordering citizens to shelter at home. In that interview, Dr. Bhattacharya mentioned that he himself would soon be conducting tests for COVID-19 in Santa Clara County, California, one of the most active hotspots in the country. Today Dr. Bhattacharya returns to discuss the results of that study and one currently under way in partnership with Major League Baseball. We also discuss some signs of hope, and specifics about how the economy can be restarted safely and efficiently. Dr. Bhattacharya also gives some (unsolicited) advice to Dr. Anthony Fauci, California governor Gavin Newsom, and president Donald Trump.”

Dr. Bhattacharya discusses his findings with Peter Robinson from Hoover Institution at Stanford University. Watch:

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