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Gingrich on Impeachment: Senate, McConnell Will Let Dems ‘Be Stupid’

(WASHINGTON DC) – Incredibly, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced yesterday that she would not be sending the articles of impeachment over to the Senate, saying that she would like a say in how the Senate Trial is going to be run, insisting that she wants to be sure it’s ‘fair’ for Democrats – indicting the partisan nature of this entire debacle. No doubt, this indecisiveness by Democrats means that the process, may be pushed forward well into the new year.

Pelosi’s bizarre move has prompted Senate Republicans to ridicule the California Democrat who is now demanding that she be allowed to select impeachment managers and draw up ground rules for the Senate’s trial.

“Now the Do Nothing Party want to Do Nothing with the Articles,” said Trump on Twitter.

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) added, “If the speaker ever gets her House in order, that mess will be dumped on the Senate’s lap.”

Former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich discusses this latest development with Fox News and points out the Democrats are now in danger of their Impeachment “dying on the vine,” if they don’t move the process along. He also believes that Pelosi is stalling because the Democrats do not have a serious case to bring to the Senate, nor did they have one to begin with or if Democrats have any chance of stalling an impeachment trial in the Senate. Watch:

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