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Soros Provided $1 Million to Group Linked to Fusion GPS Who Advanced Fake ‘Trump-Russia’ Investigation

Back in 2017, we learned through a report at the Washington Post that Perkins Coie, an international law firm based in Seattle, was directed by both the Democratic National Committee (DNC) and the Hillary Clinton 2016 campaign to retain a shady PR firm called Fusion GPS in order to dig up dirt on then presidential candidate Donald Trump.

Fusion GPS then hired “former” British intelligence agent, Christopher Steele, to compile a “dossier” which was meant to contain various allegations against Trump and his campaign in order to create the public perception that Trump was being blackmailed by Putin and that he had somehow actively colluded with Moscow in order to win the 2016 election. While none of it was based in fact, the media, led by Buzzfeed and CIA-linked network CNN, ran with the story unabashedly as if it were real. In addition to containing fake claims, the dossier has never been independently verified.

Fusion GPS, which the US mainstream media terms as an “opposition research firm” had apparently produced this phony dossier which was then used to fuel the FBI investigation into the Trump campaign – which created the basis for Russiagate.

Incidentally, the infamous Steele Dossier was couriered to Washington by none other than Senator John McCain who had already openly opposed Trump’s run for president.

This was only the beginning however. Since this time, more revelations have seeped out regarding the backers of Fusion GPS and the dubious actions of its lead operative, former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson. As the old saying goes, follow the money…

Chuck Ross from The Daily Caller Foundation reports…

George Soros, the billionaire financier who supports numerous progressive causes, has provided $1 million in funding for a nonprofit group that works closely with Fusion GPS, the opposition research firm that commissioned the infamous Steele dossier.

Soros is considering providing more funding for the group, the Democracy Integrity Project, according to The New York Times.

The Democracy Integrity Project, which was founded in January 2017 by Daniel Jones, a former Democratic staffer on the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence, has worked with Fusion GPS and dossier author Christopher Steele to investigate Russian interference in American elections. The group has also investigated President Donald Trump’s possible links to Russia. (RELATED: Group Of Wealthy Donors Gave $50 Million To Continue Trump-Russia Investigation)

The $1 million in funding matches what the Democratic National Committee and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s campaign paid Fusion GPS during the campaign to investigate Trump and his campaign.

Details of Soros’ links to the Democracy Integrity Project and Fusion GPS have trickled out since March, when an attorney for Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska revealed his interactions with Jones.

The lawyer, Adam Waldman, told The Daily Caller News Foundation that he met with Jones in March 2017 to discuss the Democracy Integrity Project’s investigation of Trump. Waldman said that Jones told him that a group of wealthy Democrats, including Soros, was funding the Democracy Integrity Project. Jones also said that his group was working closely with Fusion GPS, which was founded by former Wall Street Journal reporter Glenn Simpson and two colleagues.

Jones also suggested to Waldman that his operation was behind various anti-Trump stories planted at various media outlets…

Continue this story at The Daily Caller


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