As the Russiagate conspiracy theory continues to disintegrate in the US, other globalist anti-Russian voices remain strong, including George Soros who is busy scape-goating Moscow for all of the EU’s problems and structural failures.
As Italy’s new insurgent anti-EU Coalition of the 5 Star Movement and The League settles into power, Soros is leading the charge in blaming the Italian elections on the Kremlin, while simultaneously painting a stark gloom and doom picture of a dystopic ‘nationalist’ political future for Italy and Europe – a scenario which seemingly threatens his life’s work of a globalized civil society network.
Perhaps Soros is regretting that he failed to deploy enough change agents in Italy, and was unable to sway the recent electoral upset in favour of a more progressive pro-Brussels faction.
RT International’s Robert Bridge explains how the Open Society agenda of agitating against Russia is still very much alive and well in Europe…
Apparently convinced that the Italian people support the flow of illegal aliens into their country, billionaire financier and philanthropist George Soros imagines a Russian hand behind the rise of Italy’s Euroskeptic party.
For globalists like George Soros, who has spent a sizeable chunk of his personal fortune lobbying EU leaders for the unimpeded flow of migrants into their respective states, the last few days have been an unmitigated nightmare.
Two Italian anti-establishment parties, the hard-right League and the Five Star movement, forged a coalition government that puts a gang of Euroskeptics into power in the EU’s fourth-largest economy. It is the first populist government in Western Europe.
Today, when Europeans speak of their ‘Euroskepticism,’ the criticism is invariably linked to the eurozone’s double-edged sword: on the one side of the blade is the single currency, which has not lifted all boats in Italy, not by a long shot. On the other side is a massive influx of illegal immigrants pouring into the continent, the majority of which are fleeing from NATO-backed wars in the Middle East.
Italy, smack on the front line of the “migrant invasion” from North Africa, has been forced to accept some 750,000 migrants. Combined with a sputtering economy, many Italians are now enraged with their “legacy parties” and even more so with blissfully detached Brussels.
To shed some light on the national mood, Italy’s new Deputy Prime Minister and Interior Minister Matteo Salvini told a group of cheering locals that the island of Sicily will no longer serve as “Europe’s refugee camp.”
So, who does George Soros blame for this undercurrent of anger and resentment now ripping through the world of Italian politics? Russia, of course.
Making an appearance at the Trento Economic Festival, Soros said, without a shred of evidence to support his claims, he was “very worried about Russia’s influence on Europe in general and on the new Italian government.”
“I do not know if Salvini was funded by Moscow, but public opinion would have the right to know,” he said.
He also expressed his “concern” over the new government’s call for ending EU sanctions on Russia.
Such comments must be deeply disconcerting, if not insulting for many intelligent, free-thinking Italians. Aside from the obvious interference in the affairs of a foreign state, something Soros’ native Hungary understands very well, Soros is basically saying that the Italian voter lacks the mental capacity for coming to the conclusion that Italy’s immigration policy is deeply flawed, as even Soros himself has admitted.
Thus, the only reasonable explanation for the dramatic change in Italy’s political climate, the argument goes, is “Russian meddling.” Soros’ condemnation of Russia, aside from being unfounded and slanderous, is dripping with hypocrisy considering the huge sums of money he has put into lobbying EU politicians to accept his plans for a border-less world.
Salvini, meanwhile, saying he felt “ashamed” that Soros was invited to speak at the economic festival, defended himself against the accusations, declaring he has “never received any lira, euro or ruble from Russia.” He then went on to defend Vladimir Putin, calling him “one of the best statesmen in the world.”
The League’s economics policy chief, Claudio Borghi, also hit back, tweeting: “Soros worried by the Italian government? Then it means that we are going in the right direction… The wind has changed for [Soros] and for all those who have profited from the deaths of hundreds of people.”
Soros, at a sprightly 87-years old, did not waste the opportunity while in Italy to express his indignation towards Donald Trump, the US leader who was also smuggled into power, according to the Democrats and various Russophobes, by the Kremlin.
(…) Ironically, Soros borrowed exactly the same argument against Russia that the Clinton campaign used: ‘The Kremlin is trying to weaken the EU.’ What impeccable logic! The fact is that, if Putin or anyone else was really interested in weakening the EU or the US (if such a thing were even possible), they would not trouble themselves by putting populist politicians in power, who would work to reverse the rot of unregulated immigration, and other such irritants. In fact, they would just let Soros and his merry band of mischief makers continue doing exactly what they have been doing all along: destroy the EU from within with a disastrous agenda…
READ MORE SOROS NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Soros Files