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Verizon’s Oath to Read All Your Yahoo and AOL Emails

21st Century Wire says…

If you have a Yahoo! account, or still have an AOL account (why?), you might want to consider messaging via carrier pigeon. Verizon’s new online content provider, Oath, now requires users of its Yahoo! and AOL services to allow access to personal data – including the ability to read all emails sent and received, according to Oath’s new terms of service.

Here’s the worst part, if that wasn’t bad enough…

By agreeing to these heavy-handed ‘privacy’ terms, users are also allowing their data to be shared with Verizon and its various affiliates, third-party advertisers, developers and analytics partners, and prohibited from suing as part of a class action lawsuit.

Remember when Yahoo! had seemingly lost its way to Google, et al, started ‘reinventing’ itself, punching above its weight class, doubling-down on content and services? The reality is the Sunnyvale company has been siphoning data for years, long before Verizon acquired them.

More on this story at PJ Media…

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