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#Royal Baby Celebrated Across The World While Yemen Gets Bombed Again

21st Century Wire says…

This week, the UK and the World celebrated the birth of Princess Kate’s and Prince Bill’s latest healthy offspring. Meanwhile, a Saudi-led airstrike on a wedding party in Yemen killed more than 20 people and wounded dozens of others, including children, and likely killed by US & UK bombs.

After tens of thousands slaughtered by Saudi airstrikes dropping their purchased US and UK munitions (and even enjoying air refueling by the US military) and with the Saudi and US military blockade which is keeping much-needed humanitarian aid from entering the war-ravaged country leading to mass starvation and disease outbreaks like cholera on the peninsula – why isn’t the international community calling out the illegal war against Yemen for what it is – genocide?

What the US, UK and Saudi Arabia have done to Yemen is by orders of magnitude worse than what Nazi Germany did to its neighbors in the initial phase of WWII. Nothing less than a new Nuremberg Trial will be suitable to help correct this act of international barbarism.

More lives lost in Yemen and another dirty proxy war rages on in the Middle East – is this worth your time MSM?

WATCH THE UK COLUMN NEWS: US-UK War Crimes Yemen, Guardian’s Anti-Syria Propaganda, Novichok Lies, Trump’s DPRK Play and More

READ MORE YEMEN NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Yemen Files




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