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Michael Savage: ‘Trump Just Bombed His Base’

A political backlash is already underway in the West  following the US, UK and French joint missile strike on Syria last Friday.

Dr. Michael Savage is American’s number one political talk radio host and prolific best-selling author. Many will argue that it was Savage’s pivotal Conservative endorsement which helped push Trump over the finish line in America’s 2016 Presidential election. According to the radio host, because of his bellicose attack on Syria, Trump is now hemorrhaging credibility with his core support base.

“Good Morning America. Everything we have voted for just went up in smoke. It was a Potemkin raid …. What was the purpose of this? Oh, I see, to blow up the chemical stores of Mr. Assad. Well, for one we still have no evidence that he unleashed these chemicals upon his own people and I will repeat and reiterate what other people with a mind and a logical faculty have seen ever since the charade began …. He [Assad] is winning the war. ISIS is almost defeated; they are reduced to a small pocket in a city, and so he unleashes a chemical attack while the whole world is watching – to turn the entire world against him? it absolutely makes no sense.”

“Well, all I could say is this: if you think this is strength, then you’re a coward. You don’t know what strength is. It takes strength not to bomb. Remember, diplomacy comes before bombing. Where was the diplomacy in this where is the diplomacy in bombing empty buildings in Damascus tell me so he bombed his base.” Watch:

READ MORE SYRIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Syria Files




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