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Cashing-in on Cold: Gazprom Sets New Record for Gas Exports to non-CIS Market

Instead of importing expensive Qatari LNG and fracking the UK and European terra firma into oblivion, why not just buy affordable, abundant gas from Russia?

Yet another blow to US-EU economic sanctions on Russia…

MOSCOW – Tass News reported today that for the ninth day in a row, Gazprom has broken its record for the volume of daily supplies of Russian natural gas to non-CIS states.

On March 1st, Gazprom delivered a record 710.2 million cubic meters of gas to non-CIS countries.

The following day on Friday, the company is expecting to set a new record – with 718 million cubic meters of gas.

Company head Alexey Miller said that these latest results demonstrate the unique opportunity that Gazprom has in European energy markets as a ‘responsible supplier’.

He also added that Gazprom is reacting promptly to the sharply increased demand.

The latest record-breaking gas exports were registered during a cold snap as low temperatures depleted stocks of European gas storage facilities and reportedly led to an increase in gas prices on the spot market by 30 percent.

READ MORE RUSSIA NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Russia Files




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