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SUNDAY SCREENING: The Singularity Or Bust (2012)

Our weekly documentary film curated by our editorial team at 21WIRE.

“In 2009, film-maker and former AI programmer Raj Dye spent his summer following futurist AI researchers Ben Goertzel and Hugo DeGaris around Hong Kong and Xiamen, documenting their doings and gathering their perspectives…. The Singularity or Bust is a true story pertaining to events occurring in the year 2009. It captures a fascinating slice of reality, but bear in mind that things move fast these days. For more recent updates on Goertzel and DeGaris’s quest for transhuman AI, you’ll have to consult the Internet, or your imagination.”

Watch this thought-provoking and fascinating film – which drills down to some of the fundamental questions surrounding AI and the human experience.

Run time: 47 min
Produced & Directed by Raj Dye
Pacific Coast Digital Inc.




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