Rohingya boat. (Photo: Twitter)
Gearoid O Colmain
21st Century Wire
The September 28th Security Council 8060th Session on the crisis in Myanmar – following the Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army (ARSA) terrorist attacks on the 25th of August – highlighted once again two opposing trends in current international relations.
After several speeches by the US, UK and French UN ambassadors blaming the Burmese government for massacres carried out by ARSA terrorists, the Chinese and Russian ambassadors praised Naypyidaw for its handling of the security crisis in the country.
China’s deputy UN ambassador Wu Haitao said:
“China condemns the recent violent attacks in Myanmar’s Rakhine State and supports Myanmar’s effort to keep its domestic situation stable. We sincerely hope order will prevail again as soon as possible. So no more harm will come to innocent civilians and social stability, unity among ethnic groups and economic development in Myanmar will be sustained. The question of Rakhine state is rooted in a nexus of complex historical, ethnic and religious factors.”
The nexus of complex factors outlined by the Chinese deputy ambassador have been reduced by the Western corporate press to meaningless and mendacious soundbites accusing the Burmese state of committing ‘genocide’ against its Muslim minority, when in fact the opposite is closer to reality, namely that terrorist groups living among the Muslim majority of northern Rakhine State have been ethnically cleansing the Buddhist, Hindu and other religious and ethnic minorities. Muslims who refuse to collaborate have also been murdered.
Wu praised the efforts of the Burmese government in dealing with the humanitarian crisis caused by the Western-backed ARSA terrorists:
“China has taken note of a series of measures taken by the government of Myanmar to ease the situation in Rakhine State and keep it stable. This is conclusive to the search for a long-term solution to this issue.”
In a clear reference to what Myanmar’s State Councilor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi has called an ‘iceberg of misinformation‘, Wu politely criticised the aggressive media war waged by the international community (the US and its vassal-states) against Myanmar:
“It behoves the international community to view the difficulties and challenges confronting the government of Myanmar through objective optics, exercise patience and provide support and help.”
Since the communal violence of 2012, a low intensity war has been waged by Islamist terrorists against the government of Myanmar. The terrorists have received funding and training from Saudi Arabia, Pakistan and have links to British,French and US intelligence agencies and NGOS. The strategic objective of the US-backed destabilisation is to carve out a Muslim enclave in north Rakhine State, breaking up the Union of Myanmar.
The Myth of the Rohingya
Since 2012 the term ‘rohingya’ has become known to an international audience. The historical records of Burma prove that no such ethnicity ever existed. Rohingya is a Bengali term for someone who lives in Rakhine State. Through various well-funded lobbying groups such as the Arakan Rohingya Union, the Rohingya Council of Europe, Rohingya Solidarity Organisation, and many more, there has been increasing media focus on the so-called ‘plight of the rohingyas’, that is to say the Bengali community in northern Rakhine State.
Although Islam has been present in Arakan for at least 500 years and possibly far longer, at least 500,000 of the residents in northern Rakhine State are Bengali refugees or their descendants from the 1971 Bangladesh independence war.
Others are descendants of Chittagonian laborers brought in by the British colonial regime in the mid 19th century, while many more are newly arrived illegal immigrants who regularly cross the badly-secured border with Bangladesh. In his paper ‘Geopolitics of the Powers and the Bengali Problems in Burma’, historian Khin Maung Saw writes:
‘In 1975 the Bangladeshi ambassador in Burma, K.N. Kaiser, admitted to the then British ambassador to Burma, Mr. T.J. O’Brien that there were still around five hundred thousand illegal Bangladeshi immigrants inside Burma. That report can be seen in British Archives in London.’
Myanmar has developed a verification process which will determine who can qualify for citizenship according to the country’s laws, but many Muslim leaders in the Rakhine Bengali community are refusing to cooperate with the authorities. There are some analysts who seek to play down the role of Jihadist terrorism in Rakhine State. They admit that the US is attempting to balkanise the country but seek to divert attention from the horrendous crimes committed by the ARSA and other groups by claiming the Myanmar government is also a puppet of the US and that it is in fact persecuting the ‘rohingya’. They also argue that the Rohingya are indeed a separate ethnicity, ignoring all the academic and diplomatic literature which proves the falsity of such claims.
Such analysts oversimplify to the point of absurdity and obfuscate the real forces at play in what is beginning to look like an Asian Yugoslavia scenario. Many of the agencies financed by the US National Endowment for Democracy such as the Karen Women’s Organisation, have come out in opposition to Aung San Suu Kyi. To therefore suggest that US agencies are supporting Aung San Suu Kyi is patently false. Aung San Suu Kyi has criticised the US government for using the term rohingya; yet US-funded media and NGOS in the country continue to defy the State Councillor’s requests.
Bangladesh’s overpopulation is creating a mass exodus of cheap labour supplying East Asia’s growing economies.
Bangladesh’s population explosion has also led to global human trafficking networks who often operate through UN agencies, smuggling migrants to Europe as ‘refugees fleeing genocide’. Videos have appeared on the internet of Bengali activists training other Bengalis how to pretend they are rohingya in order to get refugee status in Europe; it has become a multi-billion dollar industry.
Many of the people in the Bangladeshi camps are women and children who are waiting for their husbands to supply them with money once they reach Europe. The money for refugees in Germany is coming from the German tax payer as the German government funds some of the logistics companies involved in the mass migration such as ORS Systems Europe.
A health worker from north Rakhine State explained the refugee racket to this author on the phone:
“I just called called my friend from Buthidaung and asked him why people were fleeing to Bangladesh. He said the people from Bangladesh told the Muslims who are staying in Myanmar to come to Bangladesh because they will get opportunities and benefits from the UN. So the Muslims are fleeing to Bangladesh every day! They are selling their properties and fleeing to Bangladesh! Most of them are poor because they have many wives and a lot of children and are not able to feed their families! So they want to increase the Muslim population and take over the land. They planned it and are intentionally doing it!”
The Burmese government is attempting to resolve the crisis according to the 1982 Citizenship Law and the 1993 Memorandum of Understanding with Bangladesh.
US Containment of China
As part of the US ‘Pivot to Asia’ strategy, the Pentagon seeks to establish military bases all along the South East coast of Asia. Many parts of South Asia Asia’s coastlines are heavily populated with Muslims. US militarization of those regions would serve to contain China’s growing economic and military power.
China has become Myanmar’s chief economic partner. Myanmar is a key strategic interest for China’s One Belt One Road initiative. Chinese gas pipe-lines and the construction of the Deep Sea port of PyaukPyu in Rakhine State have had huge benefits for the local population, who now have 24 hour electricity supply for the first time. Chinese access to the Bay of Bengal is essential for the development of the country’s Western and inland provinces. The Rohingya crisis is part of US psychological war to break up the Union of Myanmar and hamper China’s growing economic and military power in Eurasia.
Terrorists Burning Villages not Military
Russia’s UN ambassador Vassily Nebenzia began his speech by reminding the delegates that the cause of the violence was the ARSA terrorist attacks. He also pointed out that there were Muslims, Buddhist and Hindus fleeing the violence and not just Muslims as Western media outlets claim.
“In recent days we’ve received an illustration of the fact that ARSA were responsible for the massacre of civilians. What was also found were cashes of improvised explosive devices. There is information that the extremists forced members of the Hindu community in border villages to leave their homes and to migrate to neighbouring Bangladesh with the Muslims. Furthermore, there is information that terrorists burned entire villages and that evidence confiscated from the fighters.
Photographs were confiscated from the terrorists which were in all likelihood meant to be used as reports to the leadership of ARSA or its foreign sponsors. This information is confirmed by the earlier statement of Naypyidaw when they said that the initiators of the outbreak in Rakhine State had the objective of maximally increasing the scale of the humanitarian disaster and transfering the responsibility for it to the government.”
Russia called for negotiation between Myanmar and Bangladesh on the basis of the 1993 Memorandum of Understanding signed by both countries. Moscow also called on the Western powers to end their aggressive attitude toward the Burmese government.
“We call upon the parties involved and the outside players to show restraint and to be objective in the assessment of the events. We need to be very careful when we uses use terms as genocide and ethnic cleansing.”
Nebenzia finished his speech by exposing the lies of the Western delegates who claimed Naypyidaw was refusing to cooperate with the UN:
“We welcome the fact that Naypyidaw is not refusing an interaction with the UN. The National Security Advisor, who was at New York at a high-level meeting last week invited the Secretary General and his USG Mr Feltman to visit the country in order to help in the process of national reconciliation.”
Russia warned of the danger of Islamist terrorism spreading throughout South East Asia. According to Syrian journalist Afraa Dagher, the ‘Rohingya Free Army’ is being formed in Syria for redeployment to Myanmar.
The fools who have been ranting and raving about the ‘genocide of the rohingya’ have unwittingly prepared the terrain for the genocide of an entire nation which refuses to submit to the New World Order