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Hollywood Suffers Meltdown Over Trump’s Withdraw from Paris Climate Deal

Hollywood is having kittens over US President Trump’s recent snub of the Paris Climate Agreement. Especially upset are the elite cadre of multi-millionaire celebrities, along with various and sundry billionaires like Elon Musk, who still believe the earth is heating up because of anthropogenic global warming, aka man-made Co2. 

Already, the EU has rejected Donald Trump’s offer to renegotiate the Paris Agreement, opting instead to bypass Washington DC by working with US CEOs, city mayors and state governors – to implement the climate accords.

What Hollywood, Elon Musk, Bernie Sanders and the rest, will not tell you – is that the earth is already entering a global cooling phase which could lead to a mini ice age. Unlike trace warming over a 500 year period, a cooling phase can radical alter the viability of normal life in the Northern Hemisphere, including frosts that will lead to the failure of large parts of the agriculture sector which can lead to severe food shortages – which can make food scarce and much more expensive.

More on this report from Lifezette…

2 HollywoodLeonardo DiCaprio on his private yacht, incredibly worried about global warming.

Todd Barnes

President Trump’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord has sparked widespread hysteria in juice bars and luxury spas across Hollywood.

As a candidate, Trump vowed to “cancel” the Paris climate deal — slamming what he called “draconian climate rules.”

“The Paris accord is very unfair at the highest level to the United States,” the president told a gathering Thursday in the Rose Garden.

House Speaker Paul Ryan praised the president’s decision and thanked him for “withdrawing from this bad deal.”

“The Paris climate agreement was simply a raw deal for America,” Ryan said. “Signed by President Obama without Senate ratification, it would have driven up the cost of energy, hitting middle-class and low-income Americans the hardest.”

But some of Hollywood’s most esteemed scientists fear the president’s decision will put the nation on a slippery slope to the hothouse — an apocalyptic future with melting igloos and polar bears unable to put their Coca-Colas on ice.

“If this is true he will have the death of whole nations on his hands,” warned scientist-actor Mark Ruffalo. “People will be looking to the USA for retribution for what they loose [sic].”

I wonder which nation will be the first to spontaneously combust — Iceland? Liechtenstein?

“Beauty and the Beast” star Josh Gad took a break from playing make-believe to ponder our fate.

“Our children & our grandchildren have all just been handed a dark future because of a man who tweets at 3:00 AM & doesn’t ‘trust’ science,” Gad tweeted.

Cher, who apparently has some sort of graduate level degree in climatology, posted a bizarre rant, suggesting the nation has been “held hostage by Insane DICTATOR.”

Don Cheadle, known for his esteemed role as a Juicy Burger’s employee in the 1985 film “Moving Violations,” decided to bring Trump’s little boy into the debate.

“Today, our planet suffered,” declared Leo DeCaprio on Twitter.

“If you care about your kids maybe reconsider your #ParisAgreement decision. Barron will thank you when he sees you, whenever that is,” Cheadle tweeted.

Leonardo DeCaprio, who became a famous Hollywood star because of an iceberg, was devastated by the news.

“Today, our planet suffered,” he declared on Twitter.

Do you feel his pain, America? I suspect he will evacuate to some far-flung, exotic island in a private jet to mend his wounded psyche…

Continue this story at Lifezette

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