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Home Office Report Buried: Is Saudi Funding Britain’s Terrorists?

21st Century Wire says…

One major blow to the UK government after the recent Manchester Bombing was the revelation that the UK facilitated the transfer of ‘outlawed’ Libyan Islamic Fighting Group (LIFG) terrorists used by NATO to help overthrow Gaddafi in Libya in 2011. Just how the British security services and officials allowed a group of fighters to reside in the UK seemingly without consequence – still seems to be beyond the scope of the UK’s mainstream media. 

Both the US and UK governments are not only complicit – they are actively facilitating this dangerous situation.

Enter Saudi Arabia, the Gulf Kingdom are funding batteries of new mosques worldwide run by extremist Sheikhs and Wahabi clerics – is now coming into view of the average news consumer. While Saudi Arabia and Qatar build their empire of radicalization in and around Syria, and worldwide – the UK and US governments continue to turn a blind eye for the simple reason that for the last 7 years, these radical hotbeds have been a convenient recruiting farm for terrorist ‘rebels’ being used by NATO to fight in places like Libya and Syria, but also because Saudi Arabia is now the US and UK’s biggest arms and defense contracting client state. Previously, this talking point was off limits for mainstream media, but it’s becoming too obvious to cover-up now.

The truth of this damaging policy in the West is now coming into full view…

Image processed by CodeCarvings Piczard ### FREE Community Edition ### on 2017-04-05 18:38:47Z | | ˇˇˇˇˇ
King Salman bin Abdulaziz al-Saud with embattled British Prime Minister Theresa May in capital city of Riyadh (Image: Gulf Times)


An investigation commissioned by former Prime Minister David Cameron into the revenue streams behind jihadist groups operating in Britain may never be published, the Home Office has admitted.

The inquiry is thought to focus on British ally Saudi Arabia, which has repeatedly been highlighted by European leaders as a funding source for Islamist extremists, and may prove politically and legally sensitive, the Guardian reports.

The UK has close ties with Saudi Arabia. Prime Minister Theresa May visited the country earlier this year.

In January 2016, a specialist Home Office unit was directed by Downing Street to investigate sources of overseas funding of extremist groups in the UK. The findings were to be shown to Cameron’s then-Home Secretary May.

Eighteen months later, however, the Home Office told the Guardian the report had not been completed and would not necessarily be published, calling the contents “very sensitive.”

A decision on the future of the investigation would be taken “after the election by the next government,” a spokesperson said.

Cameron was urged to launch an investigation in December 2015 as part of a deal with the Liberal Democrats in exchange for the party supporting the extension of British airstrikes against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) from Iraq into Syria.

According to the Guardian, Tom Brake, the Lib Dem foreign affairs spokesperson, has written to the prime minister asking her to confirm that the investigation will not be shelved.

“As home secretary at the time, your department was one of those reading the report. Eighteen months later, and following two horrific terrorist attacks by British-born citizens, that report still remains incomplete and unpublished,” Brake wrote.

“It is no secret that Saudi Arabia in particular provides funding to hundreds of mosques in the UK, espousing a very hard line Wahhabist interpretation of Islam. It is often in these institutions that British extremism takes root.”…

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