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Trump’s First Congressional Speech Stuns Media Detractors – Stock Markets Rally

21st Century Wire says…

Last night, an embattled President Donald Trump gave his first address to Congress. The results surprised even his fiercest critics. 

“He became president of the United States in that moment, period,” said Trump critic and CNN commentator Van Jones. “That was one of the most extraordinary moments you have ever seen in American politics. Period.”

Make no mistake, it was a house divided, but it seems that the White House achieved its chief objective – to stop the public relations hemorrhaging, for now at least.

One unusual aspect of this Trump speech – reports suggest that the President actually spent the day of his first address to a joint session of Congress revising and rehearsing his speech.

It seemed to have paid off. Immediately after his speech, Trump rallied with a jump in approval ratings, and a sharp stock market rally.

All signs are that America might finally have a President – for the moment… 

READ MORE TRUMP NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Trump Files




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