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Syrian Arab Army Takes Control of Wadi Barada Valley – Restores Water Supply to Damascus

“Celebrations in Damascus and handing out sweets after Syrian Army liberated Ayn Al Fijah and restored water to 5 million people.” (Photo: Facebook)

21st Century Wire says…

The following reports have come in over the last two days signalling the end of a water siege that had been imposed upon five million civilians in Damascus since Christmas 2016.  Nusra Front-led extremist factions in the Wadi Barada area had initially polluted the essential spring waters with diesel before taking control of the area and detonating the spring source, cutting off water supply to the people of Damascus.

“The Syrian Arab Army has taken control of the area called Wadi Barada, and the Ein al Fejeeh. The Ein al Fejeeh is translated to “Springs of Fejeeh” which is a natural spring water head, which is the source of all drinking water to Damascus, the capital of Syria, population 5 million. This spring head was blown up over 1 month ago by radical Islamic terrorists, who videoed themselves blowing it up, and then reading a long video statement, and shouting Allah Akbar. These terrorists were among the many groups receiving support from United States, United Kingdom, France, Germany, Australia, Canada, Turkey, Qatar and Saudi Arabia.

The deal offered to the terrorists was either be killed or leave peacefully with their families on buses to Idlib, Syria. The terrorists took the deal, and surrendered and left on the buses. The residents of Damascus are celebrating being able to have water again. Still, the engineers have to repair the main valve and other engineering repairs , but they are going to find a way to override the normal path to deliver water to the area. This Spring is located in an area called Wadi Barada. Wadi is translated to “valley”. The Barada River is an ancient river which flows through Damascus and this Spring head is the source of that river water, in addition to rain and snow. In fact, it was snowing at the time today that the buses left the area. Damascus and the surrounding hills and valleys are very cold in winter.” ~ US/Syrian resident in Syria for 24 years.

The following report is from Mohamed Ali a Syrian journalist working with Press TV. Watch ~ 

Sputnik have also recorded these momentous events: 

The government troops have completely liberated the Wadi Barada area near Damascus thus securing the main water source for the capital.

The Syrian army has fully liberated the Wadi Barada area near the Syrian capital of Damascus, where the main water source is located, from militants, the Army Command said in a statement Sunday.

“Syrian government army units… have completed the mission on restoring security and stability in the villages and towns in Wadi Barada in the western suburbs of Damascus after series of successful military operations,” the statement said, as quoted by the SANA news agency.

According to the military, their actions made it possible to sign ceasefire agreements in some of the villages, thus, letting civilians and militants leave the area without clashes.Earlier in the day, a similar agreement was reportedly signed in the village of Ein Al Fejeh, where the main water source is located.”


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