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Trump Moves Ahead with ‘The Wall’ Between US and Mexico

The Wall
This week President Donald Trump followed through with his most audacious – building a wall along the US southern border with Mexico.

After his visit to the Department of Homeland Security this afternoon, Trump is set to sign government directives today that will set in motion the construction of a new system of border reinforcement which will include a number of new provisions -including the wall.


The move is expected to correspond with announcements on stricter immigration procedures in the short term – sending out a power message to illegal immigrants hoping to cross the US southern border from 2017.

Bloomberg adds:

“The Trump administration is also considering a 120-day suspension of refugee admissions and cutting the total number allowed into the U.S. in the current fiscal year from 110,000 to 50,000, actions that could be announced as soon as Thursday, according to a person familiar with the plan.”

The border directives come immediately on the heals of Trump’s recent statements and executive move to renegotiate, or cancel Washington’s position in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and the TransPacific Partnership (TPP).

Once again, Trump is wasting no time putting his signature campaign issues into play – something many of his critics have doubted he would be doing.

READ MORE MEXICO NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire Mexico Files




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