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EP #9: Patrick Henningsen LIVE – ‘Our Western Lands’ with guest Doyel Shamley

Join Patrick every Wednesday at Independent Talk 1100 KFNX and Alternate Current Radio for the very best in news, views and analysis on all top stories domestically and abroad…

THIS WEEK: Episode 9 – This week saw a media storm, as the President-Elect Trump took on the real ‘fake news’ empire led by CNN and NBC’s online tabloid BuzzFeed. Also, Yemenis must be celebrating now that globalist UN Secretary General Ban ki-Moon announced he’s finally heading for retirement.

Host Patrick Henningsen is joined by special guest Doyel Shamley, newly elected Apache County Supervisor and head of Veritas Research Consulting to discuss the serious challenges facing Arizona and the 11 western states, including Native American tribal government, as well as environmental and water issues, problems with federal land management, and the systematic threat to rural living posed by bureaucratic and federal corruption. Listen…

Listen to “EP 9: Patrick Henningsen Live – With Guest Doyel Shamley” on Spreaker.

This program broadcasts LIVE every Wednesday night from 8pm to 9pm MST, right after the Savage Nation, on Independent Talk 1100 KFNX over the terrestrial AM band across the greater Phoenix and central Arizona region, and live over global satellite and online via www.1100kfnx.com.




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