Patrick Henningsen and Shawn Helton
21st Century Wire
It’s that time of year again. As events become more complex – with new stories seemingly folding into one another, the task of unraveling and deciphering plot lines becomes even more difficult. As with previous years, 21WIRE has has been there for all the biggest news stories, both domestically and internationally. As new scandals unfolded, we tracked the media coverage and followed their narratives, before assembling the puzzle pieces together to determine where the criminal and power elite interests converge. All this, to arrive at the real story which was lurking somewhere behind the obvious headlines.
As we saw previously in 2015, there were many high-profile incidents and stories which didn’t make the list – like the western media’s inverted coverage of the Liberation of East Aleppo and the BREXIT vote, the bizarre murder of Jo Cox, along with the Oregon Standoff, the untimely death of Justice Anton Scalia, the Zika Virus, Twitter’s Bana of Aleppo and Dusty Boy. What about the Pentagon paying British PR firm Bell Pottinger $540 million to make fake al Qaeda videos (we weren’t surprised)? All these could’ve easily been included in this year’s conspiratorial omnibus, but were omitted because we only had room for ten main conspiracies.
Like 2015 before it, 2016 was also the year of the ‘Active Shooter’ – a term which has been adopted by the media, but which was once reserved exclusively for drills. Is this where drills blend with live events? This is worth thinking about, especially after we saw a number of false starts and other strange Active Shooter incidents at LAX Airport, Joint Base Andrews in Maryland, and at Ohio State University (said to be an ‘active shooter,’ but was later changed to a ‘knife attack’) – all hyper-sensational media-driven events in their own right. Similarly, there was the case of the New York City and New Jersey Bombers which happened at the very same time the US had waged a brutal airstrike campaign in Syria that killed over 70 Syrian troops, but also just happened to also coincide with the UN General Assembly in NYC, where President Obama was delivering his “War on Terror” addresses to the international community. Then suddenly, the Big Apple went on ‘high terror alert.’ Perfect theatre? These were just a few of the spectacular, and highly improbable events that drove western news cycles over the past year.
Below is our Top Ten list of conspiracies from 2016 – a year which featured some of the most improbable, if not impossible people, places and situations. Another incredible year…
10. Dallas Cop Killers – On July 8, 2016, we were told that 5 police officers were shot dead and six others were wounded in Dallas, Texas, when a lone gunman sniper opened fire during a “Black Lives Matter” protest. We’re told that this spontaneous street protest was against the recent police shootings of two black men Alton Sterling and Philando Castile in the cities of Baton Rouge, Louisiana and St. Paul, Minnesota respectively. Dallas, lone gunman, shades of JFK? Shades of COINTELPRO and GLADIO? Add to that, mysterious sniper(s) in building firing at crowds and police during a George Soros sponsored street protest, and this sounds much closer to the Maidan in Kiev in 2014 than it does JFK in ’63. Either way, this had all the intrigue and ingredients for a first class conspiracy, designed to sow chaos and political division. Oh, and there were multi-agency active shooter drills talking place around the exact same time – shades of San Bernardino. As is normally the script, the Dallas Shooter had three names, Micah Xavier Johnson, and he was ex-military. According to authorities, somehow he managed to acquire and hit all of his targets – from a great distance and with no help from a spotter, or a second shooter. Normally, this would be impossible, but for the US media, it was just another Daily Shooter. That’s not all – after he was finally cornered, rather than arrest him and question him, Dallas police decided to send in a robot with a pound of C4 explosive in its arm – which was then detonated, blowing up Johnson. It was the first summary street execution by a robot in law enforcement history. Straight out of Robocop. Now that’s a story in itself. Case closed, right (or so we’re told)? Just another improbable Hollywood plot made real on CNN?
NOTE: In 2017, look out for more Soros and Democrat Party-backed flash mobs, and expect them to increase in violence, and then expect the police to respond in kind – and there you have it: the perfect storm. Loser: street mobs. Winner: the police state.
9. Double Bombing in Brussels – Brussels, Belgium – home of NATO and the European Union – went into full lockdown mode following an apparent double terror attack that occurred at the Brussels main airport and nearby Maelbeek metro. According to early reports, the apparent ‘ISIS-linked’ bombers, revealed to be brothers, allegedly blew themselves up in a double-suicide bomb attack. However, according to Belgian officials the two brothers were originally stated to have been at the airport together but both “were actually at two different locations and that one huge bomb left by a third terrorist failed to detonate at the airport.” Now that’s a little strange, but don’t worry, there’s nothing to see here, move along… Then Brussels authorities issued a notice for an individual seen pushing luggage through the airport, along with the two other suspects now said to be dead. All three were allegedly seen on CCTV footage at the airport. What was most interesting about this event is that the mainstream media derived most of its ‘evidence’ of an “ISIS-linked attack” from al Qaeda’s news agency (yes, they have one, and the western media take everything they say as pure gospel), an organization called AMAQ, who, naturally, says it was an ISIS attack. Case closed, right? Time for a glass of prosecco with Anderson at the local night club? As a confusing chase for additional suspects ensued, the identity of the two terror suspects named in connection with the Brussels attack were alleged uncovered by DNA records according to Belgium officials. Another suspect was then named Najim Laachraoui, (alleged bomb-maker in the Paris attacks last November) presumed to be on the loose but died as a result of his part in the airport attack. The UK’s Telegraph reported, that the Bakraoui brothers named in the Brussels twin terror attacks, were already “known wolves” to US officials before the Paris Attacks, and had been placed on a watch list. What about the NATO photographer, who just happened to be on the scene, only “a few feet away from the blast” and survived unscathed, but with Pulitzer Prize photos in hand. Good job. More actors, and the plot suddenly becomes cloudy and impossible to analyze. Again, case closed. Interestingly enough, earlier in October of 2015, SputnikNews reported that massive NATO drills were set to take place in Belgium and other member countries. The most notable media blunder was the mainstream media’s faked CCTV footage from inside the Brussels airport – as they used video captures from a terror attack at Moscow International airport in 2011. Oops.
Oh, we forgot to mention Mason Wells, a Mormon missionary, who allegedly survived three separate terror attacks since 2013 – Boston, Paris and Brussels. Casting call!
8. Germany Going GLADIO? – This one was mailed-in right before the New Year. 2016 was a busy year for Angela Merkel, with a long string of German ‘terror’ events that plagued the embattled nation already on high alert over the seemingly engineered Migrant Crisis in Europe. The most significant attack in terms of mass media coverage occurred at Berlin’s Breitscheidplatz Christmas Market. The alleged perpetrator Anis Amri, was watched by authorities for months leading up to apparently committing the terror atrocity. The highly propagandized attack, supposedly “ISIS-inspired” produced yet another ‘Known Wolf‘ scenario. It was revealed that Tunisian-born Amri was inextricably tied to a terror cell completely known to security services. Directly after the attack, rather than focus on a forensic investigation, Germany instead launched its own draconian fake news witch-hunt instead of focusing on the forensic anomalies witnessed in the Berlin attack. In recent years, there’s been a pattern of multiple suspects often witnessed or said to be involved in other terror-related events. Berlin was a near carbon copy of the truck attack in Nice, France which took place in the summer time – another symbolically charged ‘ISIS-pledged’ attack for the holiday season, further polarizing the perceptions of terrorism but with a Christmas-religious tinge, while also providing a much-needed media smoke screen over Syria’s Liberation of Aleppo. Again, shades of GLADIO. Early on, Germany’s Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière suggested that Amri was not the driver of the stolen Polish bound semi-truck, and held a Pakistani suspect named ‘Naveed B’, searching in vane for additional suspects. It was finally revealed that Amri had been living in three different locations in Germany, primarily in Berlin – as he was said to have had pending charges for assault as well as dealing drugs in a park, and had met with “Germany’s top ISIS recruiter.” Sounds prefect. Case closed. But is it? During the 2015 Paris attacks, 21WIRE outlined the curious connections between these various terror incidents, like when one of the Charlie Hebdo suspects, Said Kouachi, just happened to leave his ID inside the getaway vehicle – just like Amri did in this Berlin Attack. Just another coincidence. Because that’s what terrorists do – they leave their ID’s on the seat. In October, authorities revealed a previous plot to attack Germany making a link between the recent attacks in Berlin, Brussels & Paris. Don’t expect the media to follow-up on any of these anomalies, because as we said before – it’s case closed. Move along…
7. Istanbul Airport Bombing,’ followed by Turkey’s ‘failed’ Coup d’etat – Tension in Turkey led to a ‘Gladio Summer‘ of sorts, as key geopolitical questions emerged in the aftermath of the Istanbul Atatürk Airport attack that was followed 9 days later on July 15th with a heavily choreographed failed coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. On July 6th, a coordinated assault at one of the world’s busiest airports left 44 people dead, injuring between 239-250 others, apparently carried out by three suicide bombers. It was one of the first such events where the public were actually able to see the suicide bomber detonate his vest on CCTV camera. It was certainly a harrowing sight. The Istanbul attack mirrored many aspects of the Brussels airport bombing from early 2016. As details of the attack dripped out from various international media outlets, we were told that authorities first exchanged gunfire with gunmen who opened fire after failing to pass through standard airport security barriers. The three men then separately detonated bombs in two different terminals, and as well as just outside an airport exit nearby a parking structure. An unnamed senior official with the Turkish government stated that the Istanbul airport attackers were believed to have arrived from Raqqa, Syria, about a month earlier and that ‘ISIS leadership’ were involved in the attack. Oddly, only a day prior to this major attack, the US State Dept. issued a travel warning for Turkey, citing imminent ‘terrorist’ activity. Did someone have prior knowledge, or was this merely a coincidence? More interesting still, in less than two days, investigators determined that the Atatürk Airport attack was known to be set in motion a month earlier, which led some critics to suggest that Turkish and other intelligence officials had sat on the intel, somehow allowing it happen. Incredibly, in less than 72 hours, investigators managed to name the organizer of the attack – a one-armed ‘Chechen separatist’ named Akhmed Chatayev), and had known the whereabouts of the alleged suspects for at least a month. Certainly, nothing to see here – definitely, move along. And then came the great coup. In public, Erdogan blamed it on the exiled Turkish cleric Fethullah Gulen (living in a compound in Pennsylvania) and his alleged CIA handlers, but in private, who really knows what really happened . The whole 24 hour event was a festival of media disinformation, leading one to consider the very distinct possibility that this was a staged event designed to draw out Erdogan’s opposition. Based on what followed, this could be the case. Erdogan instituted a Stalin-like purge for the ages – expelling some 50,000 ‘disloyal’ Turks from the ranks of police, military, the judiciary, education and the civil service. Meanwhile, Erdogan is playing nice with Moscow, while Turkey invades Syria 4 weeks later in August, all the while ISIS continues to create havoc in Syria and Iraq.
Never a dull moment with the Sultan in charge.
6. Nice Truck Attack – Like Berlin, the spectacle of someone, especially a jihadi terrorist, driving a truck through a crowd of people – well, it just doesn’t get any scarier than that. A brand new fear to add to an already growing list of terror scenarios. The symbolism was stunning – with the alleged attack taking place on Bastille Day in France, and at one of its most exclusive beach front attractions along the Promenade d’ Anglais in Nice on the Mediterranean. French officials reported that 84 people were killed, as Mohamed Lahouij Bouhlel, a 31 year-old French man of Tunisian descent drove an HGV lorry at high speeds through a crowd of revellers. His ID was discovered after authorities shot the suspect dead at the scene. Case closed, right? As it turns out, the driver was another ‘known wolf’ – a delinquent father of three, and a violent career petty criminal – well known to police and authorities. With no interest in religion, Bouhlel did not fit into to any ‘terrorist’ profile at all. So what profile does he fit into? Interestingly, Bouhlel had a long criminal wrap sheet, allowing French authorities and media to quickly assemble his terror-criminal profile immediately following the truck assault. Was he an informant, or taking part in a terror drill? Did the drill go live? As it turns out, there were terror drills conducted around the same time as the incident, including live simulations complete with make-up and hyper-real scenes of victims. But the most incredible fact about this event might be what was reported in the UK Telegraph at the time – that French Police had removed police vans blocking the road just one hour before the truck attack. Just another coincidence, we suppose….
5. Wikileaks: The Podesta Emails – We’re told that back in March 2016, the personal Gmail account of the former White House chief of staff and the chairman of Hillary Clinton’s 2016 U.S. presidential campaign, John Podesta, was hacked somehow – and a trove of his emails ended up on WikiLeaks, who then published over 20,000 pages of emails in October and November 2016 – right before voters would decide the next US President. The digital intrigue was off the charts. Perhaps the most explosive item in the email dump received the least amount of media coverage – Hillary Clinton’s knowledge that her well-healed donors from the Gulf were also supporting ISIS. In an RT Exclusive interview conducted by award-winning filmmaker John Pilger, WikiLeaks editor and founder Julian Assange described what he believes is “the most significant email in the whole collection” – that Saudi Arabia and Qatar, “are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL [Islamic State, IS, ISIS] and other radical Sunni groups.” Clinton herself admitted as much, saying in one exchange that, “While this military/para-military operation is moving forward, we need to use our diplomatic and more traditional intelligence assets to bring pressure on the governments of Qatar and Saudi Arabia, which are providing clandestine financial and logistic support to ISIL and other radical Sunni groups in the region,” wrote Hillary Clinton. This clearly revealed how the Clinton Foundation knowingly accepted millions of dollars in ‘charitable’ donations from the same Gulf states which both Secretary Clinton and President Obama knew were funding ISIS, Al Nusra Front (al Qaeda in Syria) and known takfiri terrorist fighting organizations. It would have been devastating, if only the media had decided to cover it. Instead, the email probe morphed into a grand conspiracy that Vladimir Putin had somehow hacked the US election in order to get his secret buddy Donald J. Trump into the White House. Meanwhile, down in the bowls of the internet, another spin-off conspiracy was formulating, about the Podesta brothers running an alleged secret child sex ring in out of the basement of a Washington DC pizza restaurant – dubbed #Pizzagate. However, the phenomenon now known by its hashtag #Pizzagate has since set a number of tertiary events into motion. Is there a real story hidden amongst the debris of this online explosion? Is it possible that ‘open source investigators’ were being led into a virtual cul-de-sac and thus missing the real story? It wasn’t long before the establishment media declared Pizzagate as officially out of control and used it as the battle cry to institute forced censorship of the internet under the guise of a “fake news” crisis. Suddenly, no one was looking any longer at the real contents in the Podesta Emails. Was Pizzagate a convenient red herring? Very possible…
4. Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub Shooting – The alleged terror attack at Orlando’s Pulse Nightclub was dubbed the “largest mass shooting in American history,” but it proved to be anything but a standard open-and-shut case. In less than 24 hours, investigators determined the incident to be an “ISIS-related” attack, even prior to any actual forensic analysis of the crime scene. It was yet another designer Daily Shooter event meant to evoke an emotive, polarized and highly politicized response, rather than a rational and reasoned one. Over the past three years, 21WIRE has dedicated a great deal of time to deconstructing the active-shooter paradox in America, and the Pulse nightclub shooting in Orlando proved to be one of the most elaborate events to date. We’re told that the tragic attack on the Orlando nightclub was carried out by an international security firm employee turned ‘radicalized’ gunman – but there was much more to the story. The purported Orlando Pulse nightclub shooter, 29-year old Omar Mateen, an Afghani-American was also a ‘known wolf’ having been placed under a terror watch list for 10 months (and interviewed multiple times by the FBI 2013-2014).We then learned that in addition to working for one of the largest security firms in the US since 2007, G4S Secure Solutions (a contractor for the Department of Homeland Security), Mateen was also featured as an actor in two documentary feature films, including a short interview in a major Hollywood documentary called The Big Fix in 2012, a film that examined the BP oil spill at Deep Water Horizon. Indeed, Mateen was also featured in another documentary called Love City Jalalabad (2013), a feature supposedly depicting progressive Afghani youth and a quest for social change, created by the abstract artist/filmmaker George Gittoes. If those film credits were not enough, it turns out that security firm G4S was a major client of a mass casualty staging company called Crisis Cast. The truth is often stranger than fiction and the Orlando Pulse nightclub shooting was no exception. The heavily-stylized company CrisisCast, seemed to be a revamped version of the Visionbox Crisis Actors project (a crisis actor production emerging after the 2012 Sandy Hook mass shooting), with a professional team of actors, elaborate film crews, expert producers and theatrical effects makeup squads mimicking real-life injuries (additional prosthetics) – delivering a “simulated” crisis-like reality to the public, later to be managed accordingly through their public relations division via various forms of social media. It seemed as if the media sought to draw viewers away from the incomplete Pulse nightclub story line – failing to explain the connection of a crisis staging company (CrisisCast) to that of the alleged shooter’s security company G4S, as well as other visible media connections discovered, including actors and models like Luis Burbano, Shawn Royster Santiago, Patience Carter, Mateen, Francesca Hunt and Brian Mitchell. Add to all that, witnesses gave varied accounts – there was talk of multiple shooters, and even no shooting within the interior of the nightclub. There were also mismatched tweets and Facebook posts displaying inaccurate time frames from newly dubbed crisis celebrities like Clint Lampkin, whose story just didn’t add up. Also, from being a committed Jihadist, it turns out that Mateen was gay and had been at the club many times in the previous year. At this point, all bets are off. Other bizarre narratives overlapping within the Orlando shooting saga revealed that Mateen’s father, Seddique Mateen, was slated to run for the presidency of Afghanistan and had been allied with Taliban leadership. The elder Mateen also met with Washington’s most powerful agencies and leaders and with CIA connections. You’d think the US media would be interested in this part of the story, but no. Mateen’s apparent crime confession via a crisis negotiation call, smacked of another rewrite in the Pulse shooting saga, an event that displayed elements of foreknowledge and planning beyond that of a lone wolf-cum-known wolf. Another strange thread was a man known as ‘Alfonso’ reported dead in three separate terror related events (the Pulse nightclub shooting, EgyptAir flight MS804 and the Instanbul airport attack) by major media and social media, yet the man in question was reportedly alive and well. Could be just a coincidence. The improbable Alfonso stage play brought to mind another recent triple-performance actor of sorts – Mason Wells, a young Mormon missionary we covered earlier – who just happened to be at three separate high-profile terror events. Wells is said to have allegedly attended and survived 3 separate terror attacks since 2013 – Boston, Paris and Brussels. However, the most shocking aspect,revealed after the Orlando shooting, revolved around the FBI’s official transcript which failed to account for any of the shootings said to have occurred within the Pulse nightclub, with no mention of individuals being shot at or reportedly shot at in the FBI’s own narrative. It was as if authorities left out the biggest piece of the Pulse shooting puzzle.
Again, join us in this holiday chorus: “Nothing to see here, move along…!”
3. The White Helmets – When you watched any coverage of Syria, or Aleppo in the US mainstream media, or in the Guardian newspaper, chances are you would be looking at images and video supplied by a supposed ‘search and rescue’ NGO called the White Helmets. The legend goes something like this: “These unarmed and neutral White Helmets are being targeted (by the evil Assad and the Russians) for saving lives in Syria… These former tailors, bakers, teachers and other ordinary Syrians banded together to save their fellow human beings…” You might read that and think, “Wow, that sounds great. Where can I donate?” Well, it turns out that this merry band of men are neither politically neutral (extremist linked, with connections to Al Nusra and other terrorist entities fighting under the west’s fungible ‘moderate rebel’ banner), or a grassroots NGO. As of October 2016, the White Helmets have received at least $120 million in funds from the US, UK, EU states, and Qatar. They claim to have saved over 70,000 lives in the last 3 years, although no one can substantiate their lofty claims. However, CNN loves them, and the BBC loves them, Democracy Now! loves them, The Guardian loves them, and the New York Times love them – and so do ISIS, Al Nusra Front, Nour al-din al-Zenki (the videos are great for recruitment material for jihadis) and the gaggle of other Western and Gulf-backed terrorist groups running still amok in Syria. Still, many of their videos appear to be completely ridiculous, and staged for the cameras. The wheels truly came off the White Helmets road show when they shot themselves in the foot by taking part part in the Mannequin Challenge – and exposing their staging techniques in the process. This in turn led others to question whether or not the group might have been recycling children in their photos and videos for the purpose of promoting their ‘Barrel Bomb’, ‘No Fly Zone’ and ‘regime change’ propaganda which US media outlets like CNN just can’t get enough of. The White Helmets will go down in history as one the biggest media frauds ever concocted.
2. The ‘Russian Hack’ Hoax – In 2016, the entire US Mainstream Media, the Democratic Party – and even the White House, had all predicted that Hillary Clinton was ‘a lock’ and would “win by a landslide.” When that didn’t happen, all hell broke loose. They desperately needed a scapegoat to deflect away from their failure. In the end, Donald Trump stormed to victory in the biggest political upset in US history, leading his GOP party to a historic landslide win – across the board both nationally, and state governor races as well. The ‘Russian Hack’ story also served another purpose: it got the Democratic Party off the hook for its own vast institutional party corruption shown in both the DNC Leaks and the Podesta Emails. The original Russian Hack story was created after the DNC Leaks in the summer, apparently because Clinton campaign operatives saw an opportunity to attach Donald Trump to Putin, after both Trump and Putin had made somewhat conciliatory remarks about each other. Obama and the Clinton camp saw this as an opportunity to position Trump next to Russia, and thus damage the Trump brand. It works, albeit briefly, but was eventually over shadowed by Clinton’s own mounting scandals – from her illegal ‘home brew’ email server, to the Clinton Foundation’s ‘pay to play’ scandal. President Obama tried to spin-up the act in October by pushing the Trump-Putin narrative to the level of bromance saying at an Oct 20th Clinton rally in Miami, “If you’ve made a career out of idealizing Ronald Reagan, then where were you when your own party’s nominee for president was kissing up to Vladimir Putin?” The White House then went on to spearhead an ‘intelligence assessment’ that claimed Putin hacked the US election for Trump. During the final Presidential debate, Hillary Clinton even crowed on national TV how no less than “17 US intelligence agencies” aka the “Intelligence Community” – all agreed that Russia did it. Still, the same networks who have been in complete melt-down mode after helping to over-inflate the Clinton Campaign (and even helping Clinton cheat in the presidential debates) are still pumping-up the convenient Putin did it theory. Three months later, Americans are still waiting to see any real evidence to support Obama and Clinton conspiracy theory. Still waiting for Godot…
All this, coming right before a new Trump Administration, and with Washington and the EU having to decide whether or not to renew economic sanctions against Russia for yet another year, or whether to ramp-up ‘defense’ spending across the NATO landscape. Suffice to say, we all know what the answer to those will be.
1. Fake News – The other fall-out from the Clinton election meltdown was the mainstream media’s engineered ‘fake news’ crisis. After blaming their loss on FBI director James Comey and Vladimir Putin, the liberal establishment came up with another conspiracy theory for losing – that a handful of bogus Hillary and Trump articles circulating on Facebook and Twitter had supposedly derailed the Clinton campaign, again tipping the election to Trump. No doubt, there were a number of actual fake news articles – many of which were traced back to teenagers in Macedonia making a fortune off of hapless Americans who love to click on sensational looking headlines (out of a morbid curiosity, we’re sure). But to suggest that these bogus web posts swung the election away from Hillary? This is a new level of collective insanity for sure. So is the Establishment in all its forms – the Mainstream Media, Hollywood, Silicon Valley and the Democratic Party – all of whom were backing Hillary’s presidential run – now accusing ‘the internet’ (i.e. any alternative media sites and blogs) for distorting the election, and even drawing up politicized Blacklists of websites which should be policed? This harkens back to the days of the ‘Red Scare’ and Senator Joe McCarthy, waging communist witch-hunts in the 1950’s. 21st Century Wire was also included on the first big blacklist published in the LA Times by a ultra-liberal, hysterical academic from Merrimack College, and then syndicated all over the globe. Other well established news sites were also on the list, placed alongside known satire sites and actual fake news sites. Here the Establishment is waging information warfare – by throwing a variety of websites into one big basket – and labelling everything with their own derogatory term of ‘fake news’. This is a very dangerous conspiracy – just think of how many amazing stories we’ve had at 21WIRE this year. Think of how many questions we’ve asked which the mainstream would not. Think of how many times we’ve scooped the entire mainstream media. Now imagine if Google and Facebook decided to bury all of these articles so that people could not view them through search engines or social media news feeds. That’s what’s happening now. It’s Orwellian, and yet, that’s exactly what the great and the good intend to do – shut out any opposing opinion by giving it a sloppy label like ‘fake news.’ Add to this, the possibility of other ‘cyber’ crisis events used to revive state control of the internet through bills like SOPA, ACTA and others. What they will never admit is that their own system of psychological baiting and misinformation is exactly how the mainstream media sells its own fake news on a daily basis. They accuse the alternative or independent media of doing the very thing which they do, while generating billions of dollars in revenue for themselves – and influencing public opinion – most notably with the Syrian War over the past 5 years. What else has the western media coverage been, but actual fake news? The West have funded, built and employed their own agencies exclusively on the side of the “rebel” terrorist opposition – like the ‘Syrian Observatory for Human Rights,’ the ‘White Helmets‘ and ‘Aleppo Media Center,’ all producing highly misleading, and some cases fabricated fake news which is then rebroadcast on western mainstream outlets like CNN, NBC and the BBC. It’s a very efficient system – brilliantly designed to alter public perception and bring public beliefs in line with whatever the US State Department, or the British Foreign Office is preaching at that moment. That’s real fake news.
This biggest failure of the mainstream media is their own inability to police themselves, portraying a level of partisan dishonesty that has destroyed their own credibility in the eyes of voters and the public at large. If the mainstream media was actually doing real journalism and not just regurgitating whatever government talking point memos land on their editorial desks, and taking as gospel what retired military ‘experts’ and ‘former CIA operatives’ (also paid by the networks) tell news anchors like Wolf Blitzer – then there would be no need for an ‘alternative media.’
Q: Who’s watching the watchers? A: We are.
Listen as host Patrick Henningsen talks with special guest Shawn Helton, investigative journalist and Associate Editor at about ‘Top Conspiracies of 2016′ – another year and another slew of incredible stories globally:
Listen to “Patrick Henningsen LIVE with guest Shawn Helton – Top Conspiracies of 2016” on Spreaker.
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