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TB Threat? ‘PM is a lightweight and Corbyn’s a nutter so I’m back,’ says Tony Blair

21st Century Wire says…

Britain and Europe is facing a potential TB outbreak. No, we’re not talking about the disease, rather, something far, far worse…

Now he wants back in the game. He’s also calling for “remain” supporters to mobilise and start campaigning hard, and wait for the return of their Fabian Socialist regent and Meister of war and globalization…

The Times

Tony Blair is positioning himself to play a pivotal role in shaping Britain’s Brexit deal by scouting out a power base in Westminster, The Sunday Times has learnt.

The former prime minister is setting up an institute close to Whitehall and has held talks with senior ministers and officials as he seeks to re-enter British politics.

Blair’s move has raised eyebrows among several members of the cabinet, who claim he has used meetings about the Middle East and aid to seek to extract information and influence the government’s Brexit plans.

A source who has discussed Brexit with Blair said: “He’s not impressed with Theresa May. He thinks she’s a total lightweight.

“He thinks Jeremy Corbyn is a nutter and the Tories are screwing up Brexit. He thinks there’s a massive hole in British politics that he can fill.”

Blair is due to meet May for coffee soon. But the prime minister’s aides believe he is part of an “unholy alliance” of former ministers who are determined to disrupt Brexit.

Last month Blair wrote in the New European newspaper that “remain” supporters should “mobilise and organise” an insurgency to make the public change its mind about leaving the EU. “Blair wants to show that he’s making a big comeback — and what better way to do that than to weigh in on Brexit?” one insider said…

Continue this article at The Times

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