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Canada’s Immigration Website Crashes After Trump Pulls Ahead

21st Century Wire says…

According to reports from Business Insider, the Canadian government’s immigration website crashed tonight following reports that Donald Trump was pulling ahead in the US after calling a victory in traditional Democrat stronghold of Wisconsin.


Clinton surrogate Miley Cyrus.

A number of high profile US liberals had said previously that they would “leave the country” if Trump won the presidency, including actor Bryan Cranston and controversial pop singer Miley Cyrus (photo, left), both of who are staunch Hillary Clinton supporters. The barrage of celebrity Clinton campaigners threatening to leave the US helped to propel this talking point nationwide and seems to fall neatly into line with the Clinton campaign’s negative fear-based campaign strategy.

According to online searches, the Canadian site went down just after 10:30 pm ET on Tuesday evening followed by a surge in traffic, presumably for information on emigrating north of the border.

Other key states have shocked pollsters and media “experts” in this election including strong Trump performances in Michigan, Ohio, Florida, North Carolina and Arizona.

Stay up to date with all the results on the Business Insider live-blog here»

SEE ALSO: How to move to Canada and become a Canadian citizen

READ MORE ELECTION NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire 2016 Files



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