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‘The Process Has Begun’: FBI examine 650k emails on Clinton aide Abedin husband’s laptop

21st Century Wire

According to reports, the FBI have obtained a warrant to examine newly discovered emails relating to possible classified material originating from Hillary Clinton’s unauthorized private email server.

1-anthony-weiner-nycThe FBI will now pour through 650,000 emails found while investigating a laptop belonging to former US Congressman Anthony Weiner (photo, left) who has been caught in a ‘sexting’ scandal alleged to have involved an underaged girl. Weiner is estranged husband of top Clinton aid and long-time confidant Huma Abedin.

“The process has begun,” said an FBI source to the New York Times.

This comes after a Friday afternoon announcement by embattled FBI Director James Comey stating the agency intended to reopen the previously closed investigation into former US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s long-running email scandal.

1-hillary-donald-trump21WIRE reported on Comey’s shock announcement Friday, and also detailed a “leaked” memo supplied to Fox News – indicating that there might be an internal upheaval within the FBI over botching the previous leg of the investigation and possibly caving into the political pressure from the White House and the DOJ to drop the case in order to preserve Hillary Clinton’s presidential run.

Since the FBI announcement, the Clinton campaign has gone into full damage control mode, while the Trump campaign has enjoyed a small surge which has cut into Clinton’s lead across all national polls. All this happening less than 10 days before voters go to the polls on Nov 8th.

Oddly, Clinton, a former lawyer, has publicly demanded that the FBI “release all the information, and let the public know exactly what they have,” even though this would be a violation of legal procedures in a criminal investigation.

harry-reidNevada Senator Harry Reid (photo, left) issued an open letter/press release accusing director Comey of somehow being in violation of the Hatch Act by attempting to interfere with a US election, stating, “I am writing to inform you that my office has determined that these actions may violate the Hatch Act,” said Reid. “Through your partisan actions, you may have broken the law,” he added.

Congressman Trey Gowdy (SC-R), the Chairman of the House Select Committee on Benghazi, was the first to discover Clinton’s illegal email server during the initial Benghazi hearings. According to Gowdy, this latest move by the FBI could net an indictment due to possible evidence of a cover-up. Gowdy’s reponse on FOX News to Reid’s letter was stunning:

“Thank God he’s leaving (office), is my initial reaction. My second reaction is, I did not know Mormons used drugs. Anyone who is capable of sending out that press release has to be under the influence of something.”

Watch Gowdy here:

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