A lot of people are going to vote for Donald Trump in November. Tens of millions of them. Maybe enough to elect him president.
If you don’t understand why, this will clear it up for you…
It may be self-defeating to put a man like this in office, but this is what happens when you put millions of people in a situation where they have nothing to lose. The establishment has f***ed over tens of millions of Americans – and now it’s payback time. Just be glad they’re not showing up with weapons.
As for Hillary… she should have been indicted and taken off the ticket months ago.
The Republican and Democratic parties have been revealed to be the cesspools that they are. The mainstream news media has been shown to be a paid shilling operation.
EDITORS NOTE: The following is an audio clip is taken from Michael Moore’s recent film,’TrumpLand.’ Ironically, Moore’s film was meant to be a last-ditch pro-Clinton project, but as it turns out, this ultra-liberal enemy of Donald Trump delivered to best explanation for the Trump political phenomenon. Moore set out to make an anti-Trump film, but this clip accidentally went viral and has become a key rallying cry for the Trump Movement. Perhaps Moore is now regretting his inadvertent outburst of honesty. Listen:
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