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DAS VOLK ‘PREPPER’: Is Germany Really Preparing for War?

21st Century Wire says…

Many people will have missed this story last week, buried under a number of other major international headlines. Details of new government-directed ‘Civil Defense’ measures were leaked to the German press. Western Europe has not seen such news since the height of the Cold War, some half a century ago. Is Berlin just being extra careful, or is there more to this story? 

It’s important to note here, that this story does not emanate from the prepper-alt-media-complex, or the lunatic fringe per say – this was a mainstream story, broadcast across many international media outlets…

The London Telegraph reported early on that Angela Merkel’s government was set to discuss these new emergency preparedness measures last Wednesday at a cabinet meeting. Plans included notifying all German citizens, “to stockpile food and water in case of an attack or catastrophe for the first time since the end of the Cold War,” and that somehow it would be necessary to “prepare for the worst.”

The Telegraph also added other details which allude to biological warfare:

“The authorities are to boost stocks of smallpox vaccine and antibiotics in case of biological attack, and set up reserves of petrol and oil at 140 locations around the country to ensure a supply for 90 days.”

Officially speaking, these proposals have not yet been made public.

Last week, Global Research also reported on the fall-out from this story:

“Many have responded with a mixture of surprise, shock and horror to the “Civil Defence Concept” (KZV) officially presented by German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière on Wednesday. Extending over 69 pages, it details a series of measures to prepare the population for a war.”

“How to be protected against attacks using biological or chemical weapons? How will the population be taken to safety if a radioactive cloud spreads? Where will the federal government hide if an attack is threatened? Where will cultural treasures be stored in the case of war? How can men and women be made to report for work in ‘sectors vital to life and defence?’”

“The “Civil Defence Concept” appeared in parallel with the “White Paper 2016 on Security Policy and the Future of the German Army,” which proposed a major strengthening of the military. Whoever thought this meant only an expansion of military deployments abroad can now clearly see that the German government is preparing for wars that will transform Germany and Europe into a battlefield—and within the foreseeable future. The “Civil Defence Concept” calls on the population to establish a personal store of water and food to last ten days. It recommends that a first aid kit, warm blankets, coal, wood, candles, torches, batteries, matches, charged batteries and cash reserves be kept at the ready.”

“Further measures to prepare for a “state of defence” include the “strengthening of building materials” for public and private buildings; the establishment of a “dependable alarm system” via radio, TV, sirens, loudspeakers, text messages and the Internet; and the creation of hospital “decontamination stations” in case of nuclear, biological or chemical attack.”

SEE ALSO: WATCH: ‘INSIGHT – A New European Army?’

“The document declares it necessary to consider the reintroduction of compulsory military service and the implementation of a secure method for the call-up and mobilization of military personnel. It argues that the Federal Labour Agency should have the power to compel men and women to work in “sectors vital to life and defence.”

Geopolitically Speaking

Everyone can agree that the situation in Syria is critical, and in particular because a joint Turkish-US-Al-Qaeda ground invasion of Syria just took place this past weekend. If a Russian or US jet is shot down in the chaos, who knows where this might lead to in terms of geopolitical posturing and potential conflict. In addition to the Syrian Theatre, we have a NATO stand-off with Russia in the Ukraine and Crimea, with many troops and military asset build-up around those borders, as well as many thousands of NATO troops and military assets now facing their Russian counterparts along the borders of Latvia and Russia, and all throughout the Baltic region. If the US and Russia cross swords in Syria, then ‘hostilities’ would extend into Europe.

Add to this additional incendiary elements like an “ISIS-inspired attack” in Germany (the German public have already been conditioned to accept that all of the non-ISIS incidents in 2016 were somehow ‘ISIS-inspired), then a perfect storm would quickly take shape.

Could this be a clue to the German government’s ‘prepper’ directive? Or is it preparing for a domestic event, the familiar GLADIO-style attack, or possibly a false flag, or a ‘bio-weapon’ incident?

Eventually, NATO needs a war in order to stay relevant, and to stave-off its inevitable decommissioning. Let’s hope the crazed planners in the West do not try to trigger an event.

Watch this space…

READ MORE GERMANY NEWS AT: 21st Century Wire German Files

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