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FILM: ‘ISIS vs Christ’

21st Century Wire says…

The real agenda behind the west’s supposed ‘ISIS Crisis’ is becoming ever clearer. It’s about forcibly moving Christians and other religious minorities out of the Middle East.

The following documentary film is powerful, and details how relatives of the terrorists’ victims in North Africa  pray for their murderers.

“In early 2015, a small Egyptian village was dealt a cruel blow. ISIS killed 20 men from Al-Ur because they were Christian. Now their families take comfort from their faith as they to come to terms with the loss. The whole community honours the dead as martyrs, Christian and Muslim neighbours alike mourn their deaths and condemn the killers. A few survived and are torn between survivor’s guilt and admiration for the courage shown by their fallen friends. However hard times may be for this village, the community finds solace and pride in how the martyrs’ faith remained strong to the very end.” Watch:

Run time: 26 min
Produced by: RT Documentaries (2015)




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