21st Century Wire says…
We’ve heard a lot of not so nice things about Microsoft’s latest spawn of MS DOS. Aside from the built-in trojan horse back door access uncovered earlier, this is probably the most insidious little side effect ever included in a software OS.
The fact that the Svengalis in Seattle thought that no one would notice might be a testament as to how out of touch that corporation is with public sentiments regarding centralized command of control software products.
Q: Why do they need all of that bandwidth, and why does Microsoft need to “update” your PC nearly every day?
(Some might argue with Linus Torvalds on this point)
After installing Windows 10, Feeling like your Internet Bandwidth is dropping away? Windows 10 is stealing your network bandwidth.
Along with the privacy features related to Wi-Fi Sense, Windows 10 users should check for another hidden by default feature that uses your network bandwidth to share updates with other Windows 10 users across the Internet.
Microsoft launched Windows 10 on July 29 and offered a free upgrade to Windows 7,8 and 8.1 users, and for anyone who wants to download it. But, handling millions of simultaneous 3.5GB downloads is quite difficult for the company.
So, in order to cope up with the issue, Microsoft has baked a new feature into its latest desktop operating system that uses the torrent-style approach to obtain software updates, allowing Windows 10 users to download updates from other users.
(…) this peer-to-peer sharing method offered by Windows 10 is using your precious Internet bandwidth, without hinting you about it, because the feature is enabled by default in Windows 10 Home and Pro edition. WUDO is also enabled in Windows 10 Enterprise and Education, but only for the local network.
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